By Pastor Jack Hyles (1926-2001)
(Loyal pastor of First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana for over 42 years)
Another "BLUE DENIM AND LACE"?Yes, those who have read my book, BLUE DENIM AND LACE, will be reminded again and again of its pages as they explore STRENGTH AND BEAUTY.
In both, I have tried to encourage the beautiful to be useful, and the useful to be beautiful. It was said of our Lord that He was full of grace AND truth. The Psalmist admonishes us that strength and beauty can associate in the same personality, and that honour and majesty should blend. The Apostle Paul reminds us that zeal and knowledge should accompany each other. It is sad but true that these pairs are too seldom seen together; yet it is also true that they may and should be found in all of us.
In my life I have found that when I attain grace, truth often flees, and when I acquire truth, grace is absent. It seems that knowledge and zeal are strange bed-fellows, and that strength and beauty refuse to go steady. Like the children's see-saw, the proper balance is hard to find.
To that end, I give you STRENGTH AND BEAUTY. May the Holy Spirit use it to help us to acquire zeal AND knowledge, honour AND majesty, grace AND truth, strength AND beauty, with the proper proportion of each.
May He use it as another BLUE DENIM AND LACE.
Dr. Jack Hyles
Another BLUE DENIM AND LACE. After the author's famous book, BLUE DENIM AND LACE, was published, readers began asking for more. That is exactly what is found in STRENGTH AND BEAUTY-- more of BLUE DENIM AND LACE. To show that every Christian should combine strength and beauty in his personality, Dr. Hyles uses, among others, the following chapters: "To a Rose After a Funeral," "Here, Hereafter, and Afterwards," "How to Make a Man Out of a Boy," "Leadership," "Mistakes of Job," "A Coffin or a Hope Chest"' "I Need You," and "The Glory of Your Presence."
Dr. Jack Hyles is the Pastor of the famous First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana. During the twelve years of his pastorate here, he has seen the church grow from a little over 700 in Sunday school to an average of over 5,000. Now with property valued into the millions of dollars, the First Baptist Church in Hammond operates a fleet of 108 buses; its own junior high and high school, with plans to open an elementary school in a few months; a full-time rescue mission; a nationwide radio broadcast heard on 66 stations; a work with retarded children; a ministry for the deaf; and a special program for Spanish-speaking people, along with many other ministries.
Dr. Hyles has authored 16 books. Among the best known of these are THE HYLES CHURCH MANUAL, THE HYLES SUNDAY SCHOOL MANUAL, BLUE DENIM AND LACE, JACK HYLES' CHURCH BUS HANDBOOK, and LET'S GO SOUL WINNING. He now presents this new volume hoping that it will enable God's people everywhere to possess both strength and beauty.
Order from Hyles Publications, 523 Sibley, Hammond, Indiana 46320