John 3:16, “For God so
loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son,
believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
“You cannot make God cool, hip, and acceptable to the world.” —Brother Danny Castle
Awesome Life Changing MP3 Sermons...
“Be at war with your vices, and at peace with your neighbors,
and let every year find you a better man.” —Pastor Danny CastleIf I Could Live 2010 Again | MP3 (by Pastor Danny Castle)
May we SIN less, SAY less, and SIT less!
“Did you know that God uses hurtin' people? That's part of the reason
why we have to hurt in this world, so we can help other people who hurt.”
—Pastor Danny Castle; from the life-changing sermon, KEEP ON PRAYING (MP3).* * * * * * *
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“I ain't the best Christian in the world, but brother this world
knows whose side I'm on. I'm on the Lord's side... How 'bout you?”
—Pastor Danny Castle; from the excellent sermon, THEY SOLD THEIR SOULS (YouTube videos)
Why We Don't Speak In Tongues (MP3) | WMA
“You don't quit no matter what. It don't matter what happened—to you—for you—against you. Don't quit because you're tired. Don't quit because you're hurt. Don't quit because you're bleeding. You don't quit no matter what. You don't quit. The Devil can't do nothing with somebody who won't quit. He loves it when people quit. God don't call people to quit. The gifts and callings of God are without repentance. You say, “I'm discouraged.” Go on anyway! You say, “I'm timid.” Suck your thumb while you go, just keep going. Don't quit. Don't, don't, just don't quit!” —Pastor Danny Castle; from the excellent sermon, THE PONY EXPRESS.
In the original days of The Pony Express (1860-1862), the fastest they ever made it from St. Louis Missouri to Sacramento, California on The Pony Express was 11-days. At times it was hot desert and the worst of conditions. They often took the Oregon Trail, known for robberies and harsh conditions.
The folks who journey to California for the gold rush had temporarily forsaken family in an attempt to make a better living. They were lonely and longed to hear back from home. So you can imagine their joy and delight when they would see The Pony Express Rider of the Wild West show up with the mail.
They had no telephones back them. We're just talking 150-years ago. Can you imagine? Look how far we've come in technology in just 150-years!!!
God wants us as Christian believers to get the truth out to the lost. God is looking for a few weak men. The Bible says God resists the proud, but giveth grace to the humble. The Apostle Paul said God's strength was made perfect due to Paul's weakness (2nd Corinthians 12:10). God looks for little men.
Pony Express Riders were prohibited from drinking alcohol. Amen! Because they had to have their system right to deliver the mail. They weren't allowed to cuss. They were required to carry a King James Bible. Amen! People had true character back then in the old days. Boy we need to get back to the old days in America!
HELL FIRE (you'd better get saved before it's too late! by Pastor Danny Castle)
A Journey Through The Halls Of Hell
The Sad Truth About Marilyn Manson
More YouTube Videos of 'Brother Danny Castle' | PreachingTruth77
“A prophet is a man who takes God's side in a controversy.” —“Let's Get Right,” by Pastor Danny Castle
As Christian believers we ought to take God's side in the controversies of evolution, abortion, homosexuality,
and the inspiration of the King James Bible. God is still on His throne people! Psalms 103:19, “The LORD hath prepared his throne in the heavens; and his kingdom ruleth over all.”
You Ain't Nothin But A Found Dog | MP3 | WMA
“If you're really, really, really saved—You've got so much of God you can't enjoy the world; you got so much of the world, you can't enjoy God! You can get miserable like that!!! Life's too short to live like that!” —Pastor Danny Castle, a life-changing quote from the sermon, “ How To Live In 2018!! | MP3”
Here's a clip exposing the “Rational Response Squad” from the powerful sermon, “What Will Happen When Jesus Comes?” by Pastor Danny Castle. The irrational response team also runs the atheist website, "Blasphemy" The Bible warned that blasphemers would come in the Last Days, mocking God and denying Christ. It's not a coincidence that all the hordes of Hell are attacking Biblical Christianity today. They don't attack Buddha, nor Muhammad, nor Hinduism, nor Judaism; but JESUS CHRIST AND CHRISTIANITY! END
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Thank God for Brother Castle!
*Please Note: This is the personal webpage of David J. Stewart, webservant of Pastor Castle did not ask me to publish this page; but rather, I published this webpage to promote the Spirit-filled, life-changing and doctrinally sound sermons of Pastor Danny Castle—a humble country preacher whom I admire tremendously for his uncompromising stand for God, faithful long-term ministry, unconditional Christian love for people, and that he continues to “earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints” (Jude 1:3). 1st Corinthians 3:9, “For we are labourers together with God: ye are God's husbandry, ye are God's building.” END
God's plan for revival in the church has never changed. If we're going to see revival, there must be:
- Prevailing Prayer
Powerful Preaching - Personal Purging
From the classic 2015 sermon, “God Has Not Changed His Mind” | Download MP3 (by Pastor Castle)
King James Bible Radio You can now listen to the entire 1189 Chapters of the authorized King James Bible being read by Dan Wagner, a retired minister. To freely listen, please click here. To listen on mobile devices, click here. |
Hour Reading of the King James
Bible From Genesis to Revelation. Amen!
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This website has been created in Jesus' name—the name above every other name (Philippians 2:9-10).
"Ye that love the LORD, hate evil..." —Psalm 97:10