How We Got God's Word
By David J. Stewart | May 2011
Psalms 45:1, “My heart is inditing a good matter: I speak of the things which I have made touching the king: my tongue is the pen of a ready writer.”
I gleaned the following thoughts from a timeless and needful MP3 sermon by Pastor Jack Hyles (1926-2001) titled, “HOW WE GOT GOD'S WORD?” (in this sermon Dr. Hyles rightfully exposes Bob Jones University for corrupting the Word of God).
Dr. Hyles provides the following sermon outside:
The Words of God have always been in Heaven. - Man must have them to live.
- God must find a way to get every Word up there down here to man.
- God chose men and made them holy. He did not choose men who were holy; but rather, He chose men to make them holy. By that I mean He set them apart to be His pen.
- God could not trust giving to sinful man the Words to give to us, so God gave those Words through these men, holy (chosen and sanctified) men. And through those men He gave His Words to us.
God Himself gave His Words, not to holy men of old; but rather, through holy men of old. God literally put His Words into their mouth. Those chosen men of old, which God set apart for His use, were simply PENS.
King David said...
Psalms 45:1, “My heart is inditing a good matter: I speak of the things which I have made touching the king: my tongue is the pen of a ready writer.”
Through the prophet Isaiah God said...
my words which I have put in thy mouth, shall not depart out of thy mouth, nor out of the mouth of thy seed, nor out of the mouth of thy seed's seed, saith the LORD, from henceforth and for ever.”Isaiah 59:20-21, “And the Redeemer shall come to Zion, and unto them that turn from transgression in Jacob, saith the LORD. As for me, this is my covenant with them, saith the LORD; My spirit that is upon thee, and
Beware of any false prophet who teaches that we have no perfect, inerrant, infallible, inspired, preserved English Bible. Bless God, we have that inspired Bible in the KING JAMES BIBLE. God used holy men (that is, men set apart for God's use) to give us the Words of God. God gave men His very Words, not His thoughts, to holy chosen men of old. God did not give His Words to these men to give us; but rather through these men.
The Words God gave bypassed the brains of those sinful men. There's no man in this world righteous enough to be able to take the Words of God almighty and be the custodian of those Words and get those Words to us. Man did not decide what he wrote; but rather, the writers were pens, and God was the Penman. Moses was a murderer. David was an adulterer and murderer. Paul was a murderer. God did not trust those mortal creatures to give us God's Word. Are you going to trust a whoremongering man like Solomon who had 700 wives and 300 concubines to give us the Words of God? No way! God used Solomon's mouth, not his brain. David said he was not the penman; but rather, only the pen for the Lord.
Again we read...
Psalms 45:1, “My heart is inditing a good matter: I speak of the things which I have made touching the king: my tongue is the pen of a ready writer.”
They weren't holy in the sense of righteous living; but rather, they were “set apart” and chosen for God's purpose and work. Those inspired Words have been divinely preserved unto this day in the inspired King James Bible. The Bible is not men giving us the Words of God; but rather, it is God Himself giving us His Words using the mouths of the men who were chosen by God to do so.
Moses did not give us the Pentateuch (i.e., the first 5 books of the Old Testament). Moses was the mere pen. God is the Penman. It was God speaking through Moses. God cannot use the impure minds of a murderer like Moses, nor an adulterer like David to get His pure Words to us...
Psalms 12:6, “The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.”
Most of the men who wrote the Bible didn't even know what they were writing when they wrote it. The Words of the Bible were not given to us by a man named Moses who killed an Egyptian, nor by an adulterer and murderer named David, nor by a Christ-denier named Peter; but rather, by the God Who penned them. God is the Penmen, and the men whom God chose to give us the Bible were mere pens.
God PROMISED in Psalm 12:6-8 to PRESERVE His Words unto every generation, because we need every Word of God to live as Deuteronomy 8:3 and Matthew 4:4 teach. We have those inspired and preserved Words in the precious King James Bible.
The following needful quote is from Pastor Jack Hyles...
“You recall the first appearance that Satan made on earth, as far as the Bible records, is the appearance in the Garden of Eden. When he came to man and accused God to man. He said, God's Word is not true, I know what God said, but it's not true. Satan has not stopped that kind of dastardly conduct. He still casts reflection on the Word of God. Any time you find a teacher or preacher who stands behind a pulpit or sits behind a desk, and says that this Bible is not verbally word-for-word inspired of God, you can rest assured where that came from. It came from the father of lies, even the one who began such behavior and such accusations in the Garden of Eden.”
SOURCE: Pastor Jack Hyles, from the excellent sermon WHEN SATAN IS AT HIS WORST.
Did you read that? ...
“Any time you find a teacher or preacher who stands behind a pulpit or sits behind a desk, and says that this Bible is not verbally word-for-word inspired of God, you can rest assured where that came from. It came from the father of lies...”
SOURCE: Pastor Jack Hyles, from the excellent sermon WHEN SATAN IS AT HIS WORST.
There is a malicious attack these days against the inspiration of the King James Bible. It is a critically important issue, because we must have every Word of God if we are to be able to live spiritually as Matthew 4:4 teaches. Don't let the Devil steal your confidence, faith, love, and trust in the inerrant, infallible, impeccable, and inspired Words of God divinely preserved in the precious King James Bible. END
Modern Bible PERversions Use Same Alexandrian Text As Jehovah's Witnesses
—Dr. Bob Gray Sr., “Do We Have An Every Word Bible In 2017?”“If America does not wake up, her tombstone will read, 'She died because her pastors substituted visions, prophecies, dreams, man’s words, and tongues for the Words of God.'”
“You'd be shocked if you knew, how the versions of the Bible that are coming out, which are so unnecessary and not even Bible—You'd be shocked if you knew what they're doing to cause Christian people to feel subconsciously unstable! You'd be shocked if you knew what it's doing to the nervous system of our people—All these Bibles!” —Pastor Jack Hyles, MP3 sermon, Don't Chase The Pendulum (1986)
Dr. James Sightler: Defender Of The Inspiration Of The King James Bible!
Psalms 116:15, “Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints.”
“The only inspired Words of God
are in the King James Bible!”
“And brother, any time anybody ever casts any reflection upon the accuracy and the inspiration—verbal inspiration—of this Bible, I'll guarantee you he was inspired by the demons. I'll guarantee you! I don't care if he's got a 'reverend' in front of his name. I don't care if he has a clerical collar on. I don't care what school he's been to. He's of the Devil if he says that the Bible is not verbally inspired by God!” —Dr. Jack Hyles, a great quote from the awesome MP3 sermon titled, “Satan's masterpiece”
How Bob Jones University and Their Graduates are Helping Damn People to Hell with False Bibles
Free MP3 Audio
King James Version of the Bible
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King James Bible Audio Comparison Chart
“In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not THE GOSPEL of our Lord Jesus Christ.” —2nd Thessalonians 1:8