What's Behind Mass Shootings In America?
(Or, What is Destroying Our Country?)
By David J. Stewart | August 2019
Psalms 119:9-12, “Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to thy word. With my whole heart have I sought thee: O let me not wander from thy commandments. Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee. Blessed art thou, O LORD: teach me thy statutes.”
It is not that difficult to figure out what is behind the literally hundreds of tragic school and public mass shootings across the county. The preceding latter article identifies 248 mass U.S. shooting just for the first 6 months of 2019. It is tragic and heartbreaking! Interestingly, only 1 of those shootings happened at a church. Psychologists fully understand and tell us that children are products of their environment...
Monkey See, Monkey Do: Model Behavior in Early Childhood
Helping children discover positive behaviors through observational learning.
March 30, 2015 | Author: Kylie Rymanowicz - Michigan State University Extension
Children learn and imitate behaviors by watching and listening to others.
Children learn and imitate behaviors by watching and listening to others.
Have you ever heard the phrase “Do as I say, not as I do?” Children, it turns out, will actually do both. Children learn and imitate behaviors by watching and listening to others.What modeled behaviors children will imitate depends partly on what sort of reinforcement those behaviors receive. People are more likely to imitate a behavior if they get some sort of positive reinforcement for it. For example, if a child overhears another child swearing, he might learn new words, but may not necessarily use them. If, however, the child gets some sort of reward for swearing, such as acceptance or encouragement from an adult, an observing child might be more likely to copy this behavior. Don’t forget that laughter can be an unintended positive reinforcement. The same can be said if someone witnesses a negative reinforcement, such as scolding for swearing. A child may be less likely to imitate the behavior.
Through the process of modeling, children can learn aggressive behaviors by observing them. Sometimes this occurs through live models and direct experiences, but it often happens by watching television and other programming where aggressive behaviors occur. If these aggressive behaviors are reinforced, children might be likely to imitate them and execute aggressive acts themselves. ...SOURCE: https://www.canr.msu.edu/news/monkey_see_monkey_do_model_behavior_in_early_childhood
The following is some shocking information from the 'Parents Television Council,' clearly exposing why mass shootings have become a major problem in the United States today. As you will sadly learn, the average American child sees 16,000 simulated murders and watches 200,000 acts of violence on television before reaching the age of 18. Can we really wonder why society is so messed up nowadays? ...
Television: A “Continuing Pervasive” Medium
- 1949: 2% of US homes had television.
1955: 64%
- 1968: 93%
- 2007: more than 98% of US homes have at least one television set. Cable TV and Online Streaming
- 1970: about 7% of homes had cable television.
- 2008: about 60% of US homes have cable television.
- 2017: although many are cutting the cable, 59% still use cable as their primary source to watch TV. At least 28% are now streaming online and this number is growing quickly.
- 2017: over 61% of 18-19 have online streaming services
The Numbers
- Children Watching Violent Broadcast TV Shows Exposed to Guns or Bladed Weapons Every 3 Minutes. See more number on media violence.
- The most violent shows on broadcast TV have essentially similar levels of violence as the most violent cable TV shows, rendering untrue the popular assumption that broadcast TV is a “safer” media environment for children
- More than 2/3 of children in the United States have television sets in their bedrooms.
- Children spend more time watching television than time spent in school.
- Children spend more time watching television than in any other activity except sleep.
- Television reaches children at a younger age and for more time than any other socializing institution except the family.
- By age 18, a U.S. youth will have seen 16,000 simulated murders and 200,000 acts of violence. American Psychiatric Association
- In a national opinion poll conducted for TV Guide (8/2/03), 57% of TV viewers said they 'noticed an increase in offensive material on television lately.
It cannot be denied that our American culture glorifies violence, cruelty, pride, covetousness, greedy, theft, adultery, rape, homosexuality, voyeurism, public nudity, uncleanliness, hatred, envy, disobedience to parents, blasphemy against God, idolatry, indifference, and every evil imaginable. The inspired Word of God says:
Romans 1:28-32, “And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.”
That sure sounds like television to me—people watching and enjoying other people committing sin! Young people, as well as adults, are extremely impressionable. At a minimum, watching thousands of hours of violence, sexual immorality and all manner of sin desensitizes the viewer toward sin, causing them to go along to get along with mainstream culture. That is why a a fundamentalist Baptist preacher is intensely hated, scorned, and even persecuted as a hatemongering bigot (with the same level of contempt and disrespect as if a member of the Satanic Ku Klux Klan).
Kids Overimitate Adults, Regardless of Culture
By Gisela Telis | May. 7, 2010
Whether they’re preschoolers from Australian suburbs or Kalahari Bushmen, children copy adults to a fault, according to a new study. The findings suggest that overimitation—in which a child copies everything an adult does, even irrelevant or silly actions—is a universal human trait that may contribute to our complex culture. ...SOURCE: https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2010/05/kids-overimitate-adults-regardless-culture
I pondered for a long time why millions of youth can listen to
heavy-metal rocker, Ozzy Osbourne, sing about suicide but only a small
handful of listeners actually went and did it, killing themselves.
Literally, dozens of parents sued Ozzy for their teen's suicide, but a
judge ruled in favor of Mr. Osbourne. The truth is that most people can
handle the demonic influences, because of their upbringing, personality,
faith in God and other overall factors in their life. However, some
young people and adults, who are distressed in their soul, succumb to
the Satanic influence of ungodly perpetrators like Ozzy Osbourne.
Suicide is a sin! God will hold Ozzy responsible for the suicides of
those young people, because he instigated them to do it!
Luciferian Social Engineering is Destroying Teenagers Today
of the most evil people to ever walk this earth are
Shane Dawson
Jeffree Star, two God-hating punks, flaming homosexuals, freaks,
arrogant spoiled brats, who have literally become multi-millionaires
from their ungodly YouTube antics in their shameful videos. These
two despicable she-men are fools among fools! Psalms 36:1, “The
transgression of the wicked saith within my heart, that there is no fear
of God before his
The great need in children's lives today is the fear of God. But if our
leaders don't fear God (watch the sickening documentary “Mena”),
neither will our citizens. 2nd Samuel 23:3, “The God of Israel said,
the Rock of Israel spake to me, He that ruleth over
men must be just, ruling in the fear of God.” If our
pastors don't fear God (like
J.D. Greear supporting the
ungodly LGBTQ community), neither will the congregations. We see
ungodliness and injustice everywhere we turn today, because our
political and religious leaders in America don't fear God.
Notice the creepy All Seeing Eye on Jeffree Star's chest in the YouTube screen capture to the right (taken from this video). That suggests to me these weren't mere casual YouTubers who hit it big financially, they were recruited by the Luciferian elite, just like Taylor Swift was paid to do what she's doing in the photo below, by the same Satanists behind the newsmedia, Hollywood, music and the entire entertainment industry. They're also behind the creepy emerging church movement. Satan has a bid for your children mom and dad, and if you don't want them, the Devil most certainly does!
I feel so sorry for teenagers today, who are extremely vulnerable and being preyed upon by homosexuals and the Devil. It is hard for me to believe that 43,368,903 people have actually watched this degenerate perverse homosexual video. I have been uploading awesome sermon clips by godly Baptist preachers, which are fortunate to receive 10 views in 6 months. Don't tell me that this world's not ready to receive the Man of Sin, the sinister Antichrist.
YouTube lowlife celebrities' Shane Dawson and Ryan Adams are same-sex degenerates! They can call their sodomite filth a “marriage,” but God calls it “vile affections” (Romans 1:26). Jeffree Star is a transgendered degenerate. 1st Corinthians 6:9-10, “ ”Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.” Homosexuals are ungodly reprobates. Apple CEO Tim Cook blasphemed God's Word by saying: “I consider being gay among the greatest gifts God has given me.” Tim Cook, chief executive of Apple computer, has publicly come out as gay and described his sexuality as “among the greatest gifts God has given me.” Mr. Cook is a liar! Leviticus 20:13, “If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.” Genesis 1:27, “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” The inspired Holy Bible condemns homosexuality is a sin worthy of capital punishment. Don't get mad at me, God said it, not me! Malachi 3:6 teaches that God never changes. Hebrews 13:8 declares that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. Our holy God hasn't change, and the inspired Word of God hasn't changed, but the evil world is continually changing! Mankind is predictably unpredictable, going from right to wrong, from war to prosperity back to war again!
The ungodly newsmedia are key agents in the promotion, acceptance and normalization of the LGBTQ deathstyle in America. There is a wicked attitude these days of hatred, resentment and spite against Bible preachers and godly Christians, who openly reject and speak out against homosexuality. Thankfully, we will be 100% vindicated on judgment day in eternity, when the wicked are cast into the Lake of Fire. Job 20:5, “That the triumphing of the wicked is short, and the joy of the hypocrite but for a moment?”
Children Have No Moral Compass Today Without the Holy Bible
I have been watching the program Forensic Files, which is fascinating. The series itself is good, in my humble opinion, but not intended for small children due to scenes of simulated violence. I think parents would be wise to watch the program with their teenage children, and explain to them the importance of loving God and loving thy neighbour as thyself. It is educational. I am amazed how police detectives are able to use science to catch evildoers. It is truly amazing. DNA is nothing short of a God-send for catching criminals today, and I praise God for it! The major underlying personal theme that I take away from the whole series is the following passage of Scripture from the Holy Bible...
Matthew 22:35-40, “Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him, and saying, Master, which is the great commandment in the law? Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.”
Would be to God that the precious Bible truths I just shared with you would be posted, quoted, memorized, taught, respected, publicly honored and forever instilled in the mind, heart and will of every child in the world. What greater truths could a child ever learn than to LOVE GOD with all your soul, and TO LOVE THY NEIGHBOUR AS THYSELF? Upon these TWO COMMANDMENTS hang all the Word of God. If you learn and apply these two truths to your life, you have fulfilled the Scripture! Galatians 5:14, “For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.” James 2:8, “If ye fulfil the royal law according to the scripture, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, ye do well.” I love these Bible verses, and by God's grace, intend to fulfill them every day of my life. Hebrews 13:18, “Pray for us: for we trust we have a good conscience, in all things willing to live honestly.” It feels good to think right, be right, live right and do right, knowing that because Jesus Christ died on the cross for my sins I am right with God. Proverbs 28:1, “The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion.”
Everyone who hurt another human being, and provided the crime to make another episode of Forensic Files, failed to obey this passage of Scripture! The two greatest commandments in the Word of God are to LOVE GOD, and LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOUR. As Brother Lester Roloff (1914-1982) said, these two commandments are really just one—TO LOVE! If we fall in love with our Maker, and allow God to love us, and allow God to love our fellow man through us, then we will never intentionally harm another human being. Amen!
The King James Bible is the pure, preserved, perfect, holy, infallible, incorruptible, and inspired Word of God for the English-speaking people of the world! The Word of God tells children and adults alike, when they are going down a wrong way in life, and sets them on the right path again. James 1:22-25, “But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass: For he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was. But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed.” I want to be a DOER and not just a HEARER of God's Word.
Sadly and tragically, American children are not even allowed to be HEARERS of God's Word, since 1963, because of Satanic Freemasons and an ungrateful and ungodly American society that follows fools. When our entrusted leaders do intentionally wicked things, we dishonor God when we just go along and continue to vote for known occultists, criminals and even atheists. Respectfully, I actually heard Pastor Robert Jeffries of the First Baptist Church Of Dallas, Texas, shameful say on Fox News that he would vote for an atheist for U.S. President, if the man said he was against abortion. Yeah, I'll bet he would, and millions of other ungodly Christians who are asleep in this woeful hour of spiritual darkness upon our nation. President Donald Trump has lied repeatedly before and after taking office (as they all do in the White House), and you can bet that Mr. Trump will further betray U.S. citizens to a Satanic New World Order.
Young people today have no boldness for doing right. In 1963, the ungodly U.S. government drove the nails into our nation's coffin, when they removed and banned the inspired Words of God from children's daily lives in public schools. Consequently, today's ungodly youth are bold to do evil—to proclaim to the world their homosexuality, to blaspheme the blessed Holy Spirit, to dishonor their parents, to commit murder and all manner of wickedness! They get this from perverse social media and the worldly demonic influences of television. 1st Corinthians 3:19, “For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness.”
Wisdom Of The World (Brother Lester Roloff, “No man can have wisdom without the Word!”)
It was 23rd U.S. President Benjamin Harris (1833-1901) who wisely said:
“If you take out of your statutes, your constitution, your family life all that is taken from the Sacred Book, what would there be left to bind society together?” —Benjamin Harrison, Twenty third President
President Harris was wise to realize that without the inspired Words of God (the Sacred Book), nothing remains to bind society together. That is exactly what has gone wrong in the United States! Mankind has always been sinful by nature and prone to wickedness; but when you remove the unchanging SACRED BOOK authored by God from the equation, there is nothing left but sinful human goodness, cruel human mercy, insane human rational, corrupt human justice and conditional human love. Ungodly critics like to find all the failures of Christianity, but the Church on its worst day is far better than the world on its best day! THE HOLY BIBLE HAS ALWAYS BEEN THE ANSWER!!!
It was 33rd U.S. President Harry S. Truman (1884-1972, Pastor Jack Hyles' favorite president, who wisely said:
“The fundamental basis of this nation’s laws was given to Moses on the Mount. The fundamental basis of our Bill of Rights comes from the teachings we get from Exodus and Saint Matthew, from Isaiah and Saint Paul…. If we don’t have a proper fundamental moral background, we will finally end up with a totalitarian government which does not believe in rights for anybody except the State!” —Harry Truman, Thirty third President
Our country's 32 U.S. President, Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945), wisely said:
“We cannot read the history of our rise and development as a nation without reckoning with the place the Bible has occupied in shaping the advances of the Republic. Where we have been the truest and most consistent in obeying its precepts, we have attained the greatest measure of contentment and prosperity.” —Franklin Roosevelt, Thirty second President
Pastor J. Frank Norris (1877-1952) wisely said:
“What we need is a school that teaches the whole English Bible. What is needed is a school that will take men from the engine cab, from between the plowshares and teach them the Bible. What is needed is a school that is free from modernism. What is needed is a school that will teach a man how to go out with the Bible under his arms, faith in his heart, and in the power of the Holy Spirit begin in a vacant lot and build a church to the glory of God.”
SOURCE: J. Frank Norris, a quote from the excellent book, “The J. FRANK NORRIS I Have Known" (for 34 Years), by Dr. Louis Entzminger.
Hebrews 13:18, “Pray for us: for we trust we have a good conscience, in all things willing to live honestly.”
* * * * * * *
Honorable Quotes On the Holy Bible by Former U.S. Presidents . . .
“The first and almost the only book deserving of universal attention is the Bible. I speak as a man of the world…and I say to you, 'Search the Scriptures.'” —John Quincy Adams, Sixth President
“That Book, sir, is the Rock on which our Republic rests.” —Andrew Jackson, Seventh President
“In regard for this Great Book, I have this to say, it is the best gift God has given to man. All the good Savior gave to the world was communicated through this Book.” —Abraham Lincoln, Sixteenth President
“Hold fast to the Bible as the sheet anchor of your liberties, write its precepts in your hearts, and practice them in your lives. To the influence of this book are we indebted for all the progress made in true civilization, and to this we must look as our guide in the future. Righteousness exalteth a nation but sin is a reproach to any people.” —Ulysses S. Grant, Eighteenth President
“If you take out of your statutes, your constitution, your family life all that is taken from the Sacred Book, what would there be left to bind society together?” —Benjamin Harrison, Twenty third President
“The Bible is the one supreme source of revelation of the meaning of life, the nature of God, and spiritual nature and needs of men. It is the only guide of life which really leads the spirit in the way of peace and salvation. America was born a Christian nation. America was born to exemplify that devotion to the elements of righteousness which are derived from the revelations of Holy Scripture.” —Woodrow Wilson, Twenty eighth President
“The strength of our country is the strength of its religious convictions. The foundations of our society and our government rest so much on the teachings of the Bible that it would be difficult to support them if faith in these teachings would cease to be practically universal in our country.” —Calvin Coolidge, Thirtieth President
“We cannot read the history of our rise and development as a nation without reckoning with the place the Bible has occupied in shaping the advances of the Republic. Where we have been the truest and most consistent in obeying its precepts, we have attained the greatest measure of contentment and prosperity.” —Franklin Roosevelt, Thirty second President
“The fundamental basis of this nation’s laws was given to Moses on the Mount. The fundamental basis of our Bill of Rights comes from the teachings we get from Exodus and Saint Matthew, from Isaiah and Saint Paul…. If we don’t have a proper fundamental moral background, we will finally end up with a totalitarian government which does not believe in rights for anybody except the State!” —Harry Truman, Thirty third President
“Inside the Bible’s pages lie all the answers to all of the problems man has ever known… It is my firm belief that the enduring values presented in its pages have a great meaning for each of us and for our nation. The Bible can touch our hearts, order our minds, and refresh our souls.” —Ronald Reagan, Fortieth President
* * * * * * *
Root Out Small Thought Sins Before They Grow into Evil Behavior
As I mentioned, I have watched so far over 100 Forensic Files. I find the stories edifying, wanting to find out what caused those people to go astray in life, and what led to their downfall. Interestingly, I'd say 90% of the crimes began with worldly living. Dr. Bob Jones Sr. wisely said: Behind every tragedy in human character is a slow process of wicked thinking. At the core of the crimes were hatred, greed, sexual lust, envy and some were just psychotic nuts (like the arsonist fire investigator who got a thrill from started an estimated 2,000 illegal fires in California during his long career). He even wrote a fictional novel using the real names of some of the people his fires murdered! My father is right, who once told me: People can become real monsters without Jesus Christ!
The big lesson to be learned from all this is to never allow a small sin to fester and grow. Root it out! When you start to feel thoughts of sinful hatred toward anyone, get on your knees and beg God to take away those thoughts. Pray for that person. Listen to some sermons about the dangers of hatred. Anyone can do right at any given time if they choose to! When we do wrong, we choose to do wrong, as we all do sometimes because we are sinful by nature. Proverbs 24:16, “For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again: but the wicked shall fall into mischief.” The same is true with the sin of greed. I thank God for what I don't have! Little is much when God is in it. There is nothing in this world that I need beyond my daily provisions. Lust is perhaps the most dangerous sin of all the vices, and men need to abstain from fleshly lusts. 1st Peter 2:11, “Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul.” The reason why so many men are losing the war is because they aren't even trying to win the small battles along the way! A good soldier becomes battle-hardened from fighting! The battle is won off the battlefield, not on the battlefield. If you spend time walking with God at home, then you'll be ready to win the battle when temptation comes. Psalms 119:9, “Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to thy word.”
Isaiah 1:4, “Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evildoers, children that are corrupters: they have forsaken the LORD, they have provoked the Holy One of Israel unto anger, they are gone away backward.”
The “ANSWER” is and has always been the inspired Word of God. The world simply cannot govern itself without the Word of God. Man is sinful and corrupt, whom without a moral compass will go astray every time. The King James Bible is our moral compass, giving us direction, showing us the answers to life's problems. Psalms 119:105, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”
In 1963, six ungodly judges (four of whom were Freemasons) removed and banned the Word of God from America's public schools, adversely affecting the lives of tens of millions of children. That fatal ruling was the nails in our coffin as a nation, the consequences of which are seen everywhere today. In the 1950's, the worst problems in the schools were knife fights, smoking in the bathroom and stealing. Decades later, since 1963, kids are having sex in the classrooms (even with the teachers), murdering each other with guns, rape, illegal drugs and homosexuality. This is not surprising in the least, when you stop to face the reality that children have no moral compass without the Word of God.
“People who wish to remain FREE can follow only one plan of action. They must support Christianity against
ALL forms of atheism and secularism.” (SOURCE: PAWNS IN THE GAME, page 127, by William Guy Carr, 1958).Luke 11:28, “But he said, Yea rather, blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it.”
The TRUTH is that Satan is the god of this evil world (2nd Corinthians 4:4), and he looks for weakness in human character, broken minds, corrupt hearts, to recruit such people to worship and serve him. Nobody in their right frame of mind worships the Devil! You have to have a darkened soul, a warped mind, bitterness against God and an ungrateful heart, in order to give your life to someone like the Devil (a maleficent individual who according to John 10:10 seeks only to kill, steal and destroy!). In John 10:10 the Lord Jesus called the Devil, “A THIEF”! Satan will gladly steal everything in life that you hold dear. The Devil will rob you of your happiness, your family, your spouse, your health, your peace of mind, your possessions, your freedom, and the gift of life itself if you let him! Satan's only will for your life is to hinder you from doing the will of God.
Every Youth Needs to Be Taught the Inspired Words of God
Brother Lester Roloff said it best...
“When we do not
respect God, we do not respect anybody else that needs respect.”
—Quote from the sermon titled, “BONDAGE,”
by Evangelist Lester Roloff (1914-1982)
That says it all! Today's children do not respect God, so neither do they respect man (their neighbors). Psalms 36:1, “The transgression of the wicked saith within my heart, that there is no fear of God before his eyes.” Children can commit the most frightening crimes if they are denied an education from the Holy Bible. The Bible teaches that there is a Creator, God, and men are sinful, and we must give account to that holy God (our Maker) at the end of this life. ...
Ecclesiastes 12:13-14, “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.”
That is the great truth which children need to be taught, so they will “fear God and keep His commandments.” Children need to be taught that God loves them, and that His only begotten Son Jesus died on the cross to pay for their sins. They need to be taught that Jesus didn't stay dead, but He raised up bodily and ascended into Heaven, and we serve a risen Christ!!! Amen and amen! Psalms 119:9, “Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to thy word.”
The inspired Word of God is the answer! We need to get the blessed King James Bible back into the lives of our children in America! There is no other answer! I did some research today, reading through many webpages on “Why school shootings?” One of the articles (by PBS) that I read expresses the opinions of several American teenagers, whose opinions, sadly to say, all failed to address the need for the Holy Bible! One teen girl blames the adults for being inactive, two girls want stricter government gun control, one boy wants a “chill time” for students each day, one girl said 18 year olds have underdeveloped brains and shouldn't be allowed to have guns, one girl blames greed, one girl said we need to do more to help the mentally-ill, another girl said we need to make it harder to buy guns. Those suggestions all sound like the foolish kind of things that teenagers would say, which sadly aren't any better than what most adults are saying either! Listen my friend, morality CANNOT be legislated. U.S. President John Adams understood this truth well, who said:
“We have not government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” —U.S. President John Adams (1735-1826)
All of those teenagers are being unrealistic! What is the biggest change in our nation today, since the 1950's when schools were safe to attend, youth enjoyed proper courtship before marriage, and life was normal? The biggest change is the removal of the Word of God from children's daily lives!!! That fatal court ruling created a massive VACUUM, so Satan came along and filled that large vacuum with EVIL influences (feminism, the Playboy philosophy, Rock music, raunchy sensual music videos, adulterous and violent television and movies, violent video games, a heathen media that glorifies the street gang culture, Harry Potter's witchcraft, lack of church involvement, the bogus lies of Evolution taught in the school, illegal drugs, et cetera). Dr. Jack Hyles (1926-2001) rightly said: The worst thing about public schools is not what they teach, it's WHAT THEY DON'T TEACH! Pastor Hyles was so right!!!
To complicate matters, the U.S. government has allowed tens of millions of illegal immigrants to flood into the country from gang-infested Mexico and other problematic places, bringing their criminal culture with them! Look at what these six Hispanic teenage punks (and one black) did to these two innocent white teen girls (WARNING: These are graphic details and made my cry this morning, what happened to these two girls in Texas in 1993). Hell WILL BE hot enough, if they died in their sins without Christ! Folks, this is what teenagers without Jesus Christ are capable of committing! My father used to say that “anyone can become a monster without Jesus Christ!” He was 100% right! America today is just like the book of Judges in the Old Testament, when there was injustice everywhere, because there was no king in the land. Today, we have leaders, but they are failing to execute justice. Those monsters weren't executed for 17 years, because of their “rights”! Ecclesiastes 8:11, “Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil.” Oh how we need to get back to honoring and obeying the Word of God in America!!!
BRING THEM IN! | WHY KIDS NEED CHRIST (life-changing MP3 sermons, Pastor Danny Castle) Read these truthful quotes about the importance of the inspired Word of God to any nation...
“It is impossible to enslave mentally or socially a Bible-reading people. The principles of the Bible are the groundwork of human freedom.” —Horace Greeley (1811-1872)
“The existence of the Bible, as a book for the people, is the greatest benefit which the human race has ever experienced. Every attempt to belittle it is a crime against humanity.” —Immanuel Kant (1724-1804)
“That book [King James Bible], sir, is the rock on which on republic rests.” —U.S. President Andrew Jackson (1767-1845)
“The Bible has been the Magna Carta of the poor and oppressed. The human race is not in a position to dispense with it.” —Thomas Huxley (1825-1895)
“So great is my veneration for the Bible that the earlier my children begin to read it the more confident will be my hope that they will prove useful citizens of their country and respectable members of society. I have for many years made it a practice to read through the Bible every year.” —U.S. President John Quincy Adams (1767-1848)
“It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible. ” —U.S. President George Washington (1732-1799)Children are literally indoctrinated in government (public) schools that there is no God, that they evolved from stardust from colliding planetary bodies, which someone formed into a primitive soupy slime, which somehow miraculously evolved into an ameba and eventually became a monkey and then an intelligent man. It is mind-numbing to even consider that anyone could be SO STUPID to accept such utter nonsense as factual knowledge. The schools are so dishonest, that they refuse to tell students THE TRUTH that Evolution is mere speculation, an unproven theory, not true science because it cannot be studied, tested, nor recreated in a laboratory. Just like any religion, evolution is based upon faith! Students are continually spoon-fed the Devil's lie that evolution is factual science; when in reality it is mere wild speculation that is totally unverifiable! What an injustice to impressionable children! Clearly, there is an evil and biased agenda at work to deprive children of faith in God, and to substitute humanism in its place.
We are now enduring “perilous times,” as foretold in the Holy Bible in 2nd Timothy 3:1-7. The daily news nationwide is SHOCKING, to say the least. People are losing their minds. Families are being utterly destroyed. Marriages are failing. People are dying. Homelessness is increasing. The American dream died a long time ago for most people. In the early 20th century, the United States was truly the land of opportunity, but along came the spider (known as the Federal Reserve, started in 1913) which has literally bankrupt our nation since the 1930's, created two major World Wars (which murdered several tens of millions of innocent people), and today is still running our country into the ground through massive reckless government debt-spending. WAR IS PROFIT!
Deindustrialization (aka, “globalism,” the elimination of U.S. jobs to foreign nations) has ruined our nation's economy, leaving tens of millions of Americans unemployed or underemployed, without their homes, without medical insurance, destitute without hope). These are the “fruits” of the greedy, evil, Luciferian elite, who run the banking system and ruthlessly control the White House. Their secret agenda is a New World Order (NWO), or as retired Navy commander William Guy Carr (1895-1959) called it in his excellent book, “PAWNS IN THE GAME”... a “Godless Global Totalitarian Communist Police State!” Yes Sir! That's why Americans are subject today to TSA sticking their hands all over your body at airports, violating your person in the name of keeping you “safe.” What TSA does to U.S. citizens is punishable by a decade in prison, if they were to be held to the same laws as the average citizen. Yet the dystopian government can do what they want, violating people's rights continually, conditioning the public to embrace a coming Police State!
I've never seen people so messed up as they are today. Everywhere we turn nowadays, people are covered in body markings, tattoos. I went to get a cheeseburger last night, and the waitress' left arm was completely tattooed. I felt sorry for her! I am always very kind and sweet to people, expressing God's unconditional love, and I insincerely try hard to make EVERYONE feel loved. I view everyone as someone special for whom Jesus Christ was willing to suffer, bleed and die on the cross.
I could go all different directions with this article, when speaking of the problems facing Americans today. However, the focus of this article is the MAIN problem, which is the ABSENCE of God's inspired words in children's lives. Yesterday's children are today's screwed-up adults. In fact, today's grandparents are part of the victimized generation, who in 1963 had the Holy Bible removed from their daily education. The following article is disturbing, but proves my point: “The Rise Of The Geriatric Criminal.” Today's wicked grandparents are yesterday's yesterday's Bible-deprived children. It is no big mystery why mental-illness abounds all over society today, it is mostly rooted in spiritual illness (being wrong with God). Interestingly, the media NEVER address the spiritual aspect of the America's woes. They might let some liberal pastor say a word or two, but it falls on deaf ears. The major influences in the media are “Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth” (2nd Timothy 3:7). John 17:17, “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.” The one big missing factor from American's lives today is THE TRUTH!!!!!!!
Children need to be told the truth about creation, that God made them. They need to be warned that the Devil, and some bad people, want to teach them the LIES of Evolution. Children need to be taught that there is a God, and He is watching them continually, and He does not tolerate sin. Children need to be taught what sin is, and be warned to avoid doing it, and that God punished sinners! One of the reasons why the ungodly state of Texas legally went after The Roloff Homes to shut them down, was because the home was teaching that “You should not threaten a child with the displeasure of a deity.” I'm not kidding, check this out!
The Satanic New York Times (Zionist owned and controlled) demonizes The Roloff Homes, by grossly distorting the truth and are very biased toward liberalism. What the New York Times reports as “abuse” was never more than good old-fashioned whippings of youth who had raped their own mother, busted for shop-lifting, facing serious jail time; but Brother Lester Roloff (1914-1982) worked with local judges are helped to rehabilitate these menaces to society. Literally, thousands of delinquent youth were salvaged, having their lives turned around by THE WORD OF GOD!!! The New York Times isn't worthy to shine Brother Roloff's shoes! The evil newsmedia paint a VERY warped, biased, unrealistic, unfair, sordid, criminal, unethical perspective of Christians, Christian ministries and godly churches; while giving praise to kooks, quacks and queers (because that is who they are)! Jesus told us that this would happen in John 15:19, “If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.” The world hates Christians!!!
Brother Roloff helped thousands of young people who were facing serious prison time. The media won't tell you THE TRUTH. Instead, they'll take one alleged incident of sexual abuse by an employee and park their attention there, turning one incident into a media circus to utterly destroy that ministry; meanwhile they totally ignore the THOUSANDS of rehabilitated youth, whose lives were spared wreck and ruin by the saving-power of the Gospel, many of whom went on to become faithful pastors and Christian wives. Truly, the Devil (New York Times and mainstream media) comes only to kill, steal and destroy!!! When You Try Jesus Unjustly (an MP3 sermon by Dr. Jack Hyles; evil critics become judge, jury and executioner). According to Matthew 24:40, when you attack even the least of God's children (i.e., a Christian), you are attacking the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, because we're in this thing together as believers! I would not want to be in the shoes of the owners of the New York Times on Judgment Day in eternity. Hebrews 10:31, “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.”
The “ANSWER” is to get the Holy Bible back into American's lives, and it begins with the children. That Holy Book is the KING JAMES BIBLE!!! The Devil fully knows this, which is why he made sure to attack The Roloff Homes in the 1970's. The liberal media doesn't mind if teenagers take naked selfies of themselves and upload the photos to the internet. The kooky queer-loving media don't mind if teens are homeless on the street, engaged in fornication, or partaking of all manner of wickedness, just so long as they're not being influenced for positive by the Word of God. Whereas the queer-loving media scrutinize churches with a giant magnifying glass, they give a free-pass to their peers for all manner of degeneracy, perversion and blasphemy against God. Parents need to wake up and realize that Satan has a bid for your children.
Look at the sick things that Taylor Swift and the queer-loving music industry are pushing off on children today! I think Taylor Swift ought to be arrested and taken to court for public indecency and intent to harm others. What the music video industry is promoting today is criminal in God's eyes—sexually explicit filth, promiscuity, violence, bestiality, substance abuse, school shootings, Satanism, pedophilia, sodomy, adultery, incest, feminism, rebellion, et cetera!!!
The Columbine killers wore shirts of their favorite German acid-metal band, KMFDM. One of their popular songs is called, “Free Your Hate!” Well, they did and 13 people are dead! Another popular song by the violence-glorifying band KMFDM is titled, “Rape, Robbery and Violence!” Only a wicked fool would dare say that the music didn't influence those Columbine boys to shoot their teacher and classmates, including a precious teen girl who testified that she is a Christian. Can we really ask “why” things are so bad these days in America? We need to give up our WRONGS, not our RIGHTS! Tragically, we've used our “rights” as a poor excuse to justify our wrongs.
“A man destroyed is an INSIDE JOB! You're never destroyed from the outside.”
—Pastor Ralph “Yankee” Arnold; a quote from his sermon, “The Two Trees Of Creation.”
Humble Yourself Dear Sinner Before the Savior
Oh, listen to me dear reader, I don't want you (or myself) to become the next casualty! We don't have to. We all need to RUN TO JESUS' FEET as did a sinful woman in the city. Luke 7:37-38, “And, behold, a woman in the city, which was a sinner, when she knew that Jesus sat at meat in the Pharisee's house, brought an alabaster box of ointment, And stood at his feet behind him weeping, and began to wash his feet with tears, and did wipe them with the hairs of her head, and kissed his feet, and anointed them with the ointment.” Humble yourself dear sinner at the Savior's precious feet, and hear what the Word of God saith! ...
Proverbs 4:20-27, “My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings. Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart. For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh. Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. Put away from thee a froward mouth, and perverse lips put far from thee. Let thine eyes look right on, and let thine eyelids look straight before thee. Ponder the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be established. Turn not to the right hand nor to the left: remove thy foot from evil.”
The truth is that the churches cannot compete with modern entertainment industry! That is why the churches were packed full a century ago, when people were bored and had no electronic entertainment at home, and they looked forward to going to church for the socialization and excitement it provided for the family. But today things are quite different, because we have all sorts of electronic distractions at home—Television, movies, video games, cellphones, i-pads, internet, stereo systems, et cetera.
“Did you realize tonight that we're living in a Godless nation, a Christless nation, a Bibleless nation?” —Brother Lester Roloff, a needful quote from the MP3 sermon titled, “'THE LIVING BIBLE' EXPOSED!”
Proverbs 14:34, “Righteousness exalts a nation…” When we as a nation and our leaders, pursue and pray for the righteousness that God desires, as modeled by the Founding Fathers of America (i.e. our godly heritage), only then will a holy God respond to our obedience and faith in Him, with blessing and exultation for our nation, as He promised...
2nd Chronicles 7:14-15, “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. Now mine eyes shall be open, and mine ears attent unto the prayer that is made in this place.”
Psalm 33:12, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.”
* * * * * * *
1st Kings 18:17, “And it came to pass, when Ahab saw Elijah,
that Ahab said unto him, Art thou he that troubleth
The Gospel In Just One Minute (by Pastor Max D. Younce)
Ecclesiastes 7:18b, “...he that feareth God shall come forth of them all.”
“The Lord gave the
word: great was the company
of those that published it.”
—Psalms 68:11
Why There's A Hell (MP3 sermon by Pastor Danny Castle)
“In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God,
and that obey not
GOSPEL of our Lord Jesus Christ.” —2nd Thessalonians 1:8