Catholics Do Worship Virgin Mary
Is the worship of the Virgin Mary a basic, fundamental doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church?
There are Roman Catholics who deny it. They "explain" the position Mary holds in Roman Catholic doctrine. There are Protestants, and probably Baptists, who deny it. There are those, Catholics and Protestants - and probably Baptists - who become indignant when it is charged that the worship of the Virgin Mary is a fundamental Catholic doctrine.
Pope Paul should be good authority. Pope Paul says that she is an object of worship. Pope Paul says that she is "the supporting light of Christ."
Here is the prayer that Pope Paul prayed as he led 2,000 cardinals, patriarchs, and bishops in a service in commemoration of the opening of the Second Vatican Council a year a go - as reported by the "Register," the weekly Roman Catholic paper published in Denver, Colorado, in its October 20 issue:
"O Mary, we pray to thee for our Christian brothers still separated from our Catholic family. See how a glorious group of them celebrates your cult with fidelity and love. See how, in other groups, there is such firmness in calling one's self and in being Christian. May there now dawn the recollection and worship of thee, most pious. Call all these sons of yours in the same unity, under your maternal and celestial protection.
"Watch over, O Mary, all mankind - this modern world in which the divine plan calls us to live and work in, a world that turns its back on the sight of Christ; watch over this world, so that it may emerge from the frightful shadows created by its own actions.
"Your sweet, most human voice, O most beautiful among virgins, O most worthy among mothers, O blessed among women, calls upon this world to turn its glance towards the light which is the light of men - towards thee, who are the supporting light of Christ, only and highest light in the world."
In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not THE GOSPEL of our Lord Jesus Christ. 2nd Thessalonians 1:8