Here is my original article back from
Never before have people been so
enamored with thoughts of the future. Prophecy is an extremely popular
subject today. We are hearing more and more about the year 2012. What is
going to happen? We don't know, but it appears that occultists want everyone
to THINK that something is going to happen.
Here is some basic information on the
2012 phenomena...
The 2012 phenomenon comprises
a range of eschatological beliefs that cataclysmic or
transformative events will occur on December 21, 2012, which is
said to be the end-date of a 5,125-year-long cycle in the Mayan
Long Count calendar. Various astronomical alignments and
numerological formulae related to this date have been proposed.
New Age interpretation of this transition posits that during
this time Earth and its inhabitants may undergo a positive
physical or spiritual transformation, and that 2012 may mark the
beginning of a new era. Others suggest that the 2012 date marks
the end of the world or a similar catastrophe. Scenarios posited
for the end of the world include the Earth's collision with a
passing planet (often referred to as "Nibiru") or black hole, or
the arrival of the next solar maximum.
Scholars from various disciplines have dismissed the idea of
catastrophe in 2012. Mainstream Mayanist scholars state that
predictions of impending doom are not found in any of the
existing classic Maya accounts, and that the idea that the Long
Count calendar "ends" in 2012
The most interesting change that I see coming
in 2010 is the New Age of Aquarius that has been sang about since the
1960's, and that Satanist Aleister Crowley wrote about. As you will read to
follow, there is considerable debate as to WHEN this occult age begins. New
Age and the Age of Aquarius are demonic concepts...
The Age of Aquarius
Begins in 2012
If you don’t
follow astrology, you may have no idea what the Age of Aquarius is.
Basically, each of the twelve different astrological signs has an
age associated with it. These ages change over time depending on
which of the signs appears during the morning of the spring equinox.
Currently, most people agree that we are in the Age of Pisces. The
Age of Aquarius 2012 theory states that the new age will start on
December 21, 2012, the last day of the Mayan Long Count calendar.
However, there is actually some debate on this.
The idea of the Age of Aquarius ushering
in some new and great human era is not new. In fact, it has been
around since the early 1900s. Back then, new age cultist Aleister
Crowley, the man behind the mystical Order of the Golden Dawn,
believed that the Age of Aquarius began in 1904 and that he
personally brought it about. Other notable historical figures give
different dates. Carl Jung places the age’s beginning as sometime
between 1997 and 2000. Sir Isaac Newton, Rob Hand, and Dane Rudyhar
all say 2060. If you count from the birth of Christ, the age begins
in 2160 (this is the number of years it takes for the constellation
to change during the spring equinox, so a new age always begins
every 2,160 years).
The Age of Aquarius Begins in 2012
As a born-again Christian, I am watching for
the Rapture, i.e., the Pretribulation return of my Savior and
King, the Lord Jesus Christ (1st Thessalonians 4:17). The Lord may return at
any time, but we do NOT know when. I'm not looking for the undertaker, I'm
looking for the uppertaker!
There is no reason for Christian believers to
worry about December 21, 2012; but we certainly ought to keep our eye out
for an increase in occult activity and teachings trying to sneak into our
churches and religious organizations. Pat Robertson promotes
heathen psychologists who employ New Age chanting, healing, and meditation.
These are occult practices being introduced into Christian's lives by
alleged Christian counselors. The truth is that these are doctrines of
Devils. Jesus told us to SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES in John 5:39,
and that will never change. Phooey on modern psychology! The Bible is the
only Book on psychology that you'll ever need. All modern-psychology is
based upon the work of atheists, evolutionists, and quacks!
There has been an explosion of New Age
occultism around the world; including Harry Potter, which is nothing less
than an introductory course into witchcraft for children worldwide. New Age
and witchcraft both dabble in familiar spirits (demons). Seeking spiritual
guidance, information, or power from any source other than God is
witchcraft. Understanding that, it becomes evident that there are hundreds
of practices of witchcraft; including yoga, séances, tarot cards, psychics,
crystal balls, necromancers, palm reading, clairvoyants,
speaking-in-tongues, astrology, and a bunch more.
Expect to see a lot more of these activities
promoted to children, aired on TV, and pushed in public schools. Satan wants
your child to become a Luciferian worshipper! Already the world is
worshipping the beast, flashing Satanic hand signs everywhere.
2012 Movie Calls God a Liar
In the 2010 movie, 2012, director
Roland Emmerich makes God out to be a liar, flooding the earth once again
and destroying all flesh. God gave mankind the rainbow as a promise that He
would never again destroy the world by flood. Yet in the 2012 movie there
are 3 arks built to save a few thousand people from worldwide destruction.
In the movie, one of the arks is shown ready to crash into Mount Everest,
the tallest mountain on earth. In the Bible, the waters in the flood rose 22
1/2 feet (15 cubits) above the highest mountain.
Genesis 9:11, “And I will
establish my covenant with you; neither shall all flesh be cut off any
more by the waters of a flood; neither shall there any more be a flood
to destroy the earth.
Genesis 9:15, “And I will remember my
covenant, which is between me and you and every living creature of all
flesh; and the waters shall no more become a flood to destroy all
God is NOT a liar (Titus 1:2) and would never
flood the arth with water to destroy humanity as He once did in Genesis 6-7.
It is sinful and wrong to portray God as a liar, promise breaker, or in any
less than holy light. Holiness is moral perfection. There is no moral
perfection any greater than God's holiness. There is no greatness greater
than God. There is no goodness any better than God's goodness. God is the
MOST merciful, the most gracious, and the most forgiving. God is the most
holy, just and righteous in every way. I would never send someone to Hell to
burn forever, not even my bitterest enemy; but that's only because I'm not
as righteous as God is. God will put unrepentant sinners into the Lake of
Fire to be tormented day-and-night forever and ever (2nd Thessalonians
1:8-9; Revelation 20:11-15; 21:8). That's is how righteous that God is. God
is justified in all that He does because of all that He is. God is holy and
His holiness demands justice. Thankfully, Jesus Christ paid our sin debt
with His literal blood sacrifice, so we could be made free from the curse of
God's Law because of men's sins (Romans 3:19-20; 5:8-12). What a wonderful
Not Proper to Mix Biblical Truth with
Fiction Fantasy in Movies
Stephen King is infamous for combining the
things of God, churches, and the Bible; with gore, demonism, sick-minded
murderers, psychos, and the vilest of wicked people in order to CONFUSE
viewers about Christianity. King does this effortlessly in his horrible
sci-fi flick, THE MIST. The movie begins by showing a religious woman
in a dress, carrying a Bible and quoting Scriptures. Later in the despicable
movie, the same woman is calling far a satanic sacrifice to the beast,
acting totally insane and is filled with unrestrained hatred for anybody who
disagrees with her views.
Clearly, King uses his movie to demonize
Bible-believing Christians who express their views, stand against modern-day
wickedness and apostasy, and are genuinely loyal to Jesus Christ. Those
religious people who keep their opinions to themselves are left alone in the
movie. 2nd Timothy 3:12 promises persecution for believers who live godly in
Christ Jesus, and that means verbally taking a stand for God wherever you
are at in life, especially on the job where compromising situations arise
every day. Even at home, family members are often despised and rejected by
their own loved ones because they took a stand for Jesus and sided with THE
TRUTH. I know a man whose family ostracizes him because he told them he
became a born-again Christian, and he doesn't pray to statues anymore as
Catholics all do. They degraded and derided him scornfully in their hatred
and wicked arrogance as Jesus said they would (John 15:19). I love Jesus so
much. Jesus has overcome this world and the grave (John 16:33). Jesus is
coming back soon, very soon. Amen and amen and amen!!!
It is not a mere coincidence that the movie
portrays a worldwide flood in 2012, calling God a liar. It is not a mere
coincidence that the movie shows Mount Everest and the waters rising up to
the to Mount Everest. And then after a year the waters recede and the arks
find dry ground to start life over. God promised that He would never flood
the earth again as He did in Noah's day. The movie is admittedly fiction,
but fiction ought not be used to portray God out to be a liar. People love
disaster, seeing people die, and entertaining their worst nightmares on the
TV screen. No wonder God says that man's heart is desperately wicked in
Jeremiah 17:9.
In the 2008 movie by Faith Films and The Global
Asylum, titled 2012 DOOMSDAY: THE PROPHECY IS TRUE, a Mexican
woman gives birth to a child at the end of the film, which is said to give
mankind a second chance. Clearly, this child can only mean the Antichrist,
for the only Savior ever born into this world was the Lord Jesus Christ
2,000 years ago.
The movie 2012 is fictional of course, but a
lot of people sincerely believe that something big is going to happen in
2012. It is very interesting that the 2012 movie centers around the birth of
a messiah child, when the Bible plainly teaches that the Antichrist will be
the Devil's messiah. The masses of this unsaved world will follow the
Antichrist, the Beast, worshipping him as a god. Could it be that some
people believe the Antichrist will be born in 2012? Could it be that some
people think that the Rapture will happen in 2012, and then the Antichrist
will appear?
The Lord's Return is Imminent
I'm not making these claims, for the Bible
teaches that no man knows when the Lord is going to return. The Bible says
that no man can know the hour nor the time; however, I find no where in the
Scriptures where we are told that men cannot know the general season of the
Lord's return. I think the Bible very plainly teaches that the Last Days are
upon us, and the Lord's return imminent.
Revelation 17:10, “And there are seven
kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when
he cometh, he must continue a short space.” These “kings” are world
powers. The first 5 kings are Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Mede Persia,
and Greece. Rome was a world power at the time Revelation was written. The
Roman empire fell in 486 A.D. and there have been no world powers since.
There are several super powers today such as Russia, China, and the United
States; but no one nation rules the world.
However, the 7th world power will be a
tyrannical monster like no other power in history, cataloging men into DNA
databases, implementing a cashless society and industrial military complex
control grid. A Police State is coming that you cannot possibly imagine!
Revelation 17:11 tells us that the Antichrist will arise from the 7th world
power, i.e., the New World Order. These times are nearer than ever before.
Henry Kissinger is Mr. Scum-bucket himself, a global mass-murderer who views
military men as dumb pawns to be used as fertilizer in one's garden.
Kissinger has openly stated that
the best way to hinder families is to get women into the workplace.
2012 is just one of many dates being set by
secular groups. I have no doubt that many people are going to attempt to
exploit these worldly prophecies to make money. The Bible has nothing to say
about 2012 nor Nostradamus. Nostradamus supposedly mentioned 2012 in his
writings. It must be noted that Nostradamus was heavily involved with the
occult, and so had privileged information that most people don't. So that's
not telling the future; but rather, having inside knowledge of what they are
conspiring to do in the world.
This is how Freemason legend, Albert Pike was
able to accurately predict World Wars I and II prior to his death in 1892.
Pike also predicated World War II in the Middle East, between the Arabs and
Israel, which will drag the rest of the world into the conflict. It is
unfolding before our eyes. The 911 attacks were the unofficial beginning of
World War III. Afghanistan and Iraq have already been conquered, and Iran is
certainly also going to be conquered.

The occult is largely rooted in Jewish
mysticism, which originated in Egypt and Babylon when the Jews were in
bondage. I have to say that I've really been totally disgusted lately with
the preponderance of greed I see and hear these days. The love of money has
caused ecumenical lame preachers, apostate Contemporary Christian Music
(CCM) singers, and so many others to remain silent about sin, false
doctrine, and evil. Everyone is afraid to call out the Roman Catholic Church
for what it is... a Satanic cult! Not me brother... the Pope is a dope and
he has no hope!
The Pope will never get saved because he fully
rejects the Commandments of God to keep his own manmade traditions (Mark
7:9). The hardest part about getting people saved is getting them lost,
trying to convince them that religion is a paved road to Hell, fire and
damnation. Religion wants to fit us with glasses, but the Lord wants to open
our eyes.
May advice to anyone reading this article is
firstly, if you're not saved, do so immediately. Right where you are,
BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST to forgive your sins and set you free (Acts
16:30-31). Secondly, if you are a Christian, BE A SOUL-WINNER!
Heaven Isn't Far for Every Every
Once we get to Heaven it will be too late,
we'll never have the opportunity to serve God on earth again. We are living
a dream that the angels in Heaven can only wish they had. We have the
opportunity to show our faith in the Lord God while we cannot see Him, hear
Him, or perceive Him with the physical senses. Jesus called us blessed in
John 20:29, “Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou
hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.”
Amen, that's me! And I hope that's you too! I BELIEVE ON THE SON OF GOD, THE
CHRIST! While the unbelieving and ungrateful world places God on trial and
attacks Him,
as does SHAKIRA; we as believers uplift the precious name
of Jesus and praise our awesome King!
These dreary days of physical pain and
emotional anguish; and this generation of sinful woe and misery in the
world; and this time of global dishonesty, greed, and selfish
cold-heartedness in people; and this time of blatant criminal activities in
government and massive corruption in court systems around the world; and
this time of religious apostasy as never before, when men are selling their
souls for the almighty dollar; and this wicked generation of sleazy
television, lewd celebrities, and immorality everywhere we look—WILL SOON
I don't expect the Lord to return in 2012, I
expect Him to return this minute! The Bible says we cannot know WHEN Jesus
will return, but we are told to WATCH (Mark 13:37). Are you
watching for your Lord? Are you soul-winning and living for God, knowing
that Christ may arrive at any moment? Or, as most foolish people today, are
you living selfishly only to eat, drink, get married, and party?
Whether the end is near or not we don't know
for certain; but one thing we DO KNOW for certain—this life will soon be
over. Of all the people alive on earth today, over 6 BILLION of them will
all be dead within 100-years if the Lord tarries His return. No one can
escape death, and then the judgment (Hebrews 9:27)!