The Foolishness of Preaching
A. Preaching is to Proclaim Publicly with Authority1. Proclaim. to speak out with a loud voice...this is not rude or ungodly, for God has a loud voice and his prophets preached their prophecies in a loud voice.
Isa. 8.19 Familiar spirits peep and mutter Deu. 5.22 The LORD spake with a great voice Mic. 6.9 The LORD's voice crieth Pro. 1.20 Wisdom crieth without, uttereth her voice in the streets 1 Ki. 13.2 He cried against the altar in the word of the LORD Isa. 13.2 Exalt the voice unto them Isa. 40.3,6,9 The voice said, Cry...lift up thy voice Isa. 58.1 Cry aloud, lift up thy voice like a trumpet Jer. 4.15,16 A voice declareth...give out their voice Jer. 31.6 The watchmen shall cry Amos 3.4-8 The lion roars, God speaks and men prophesy Jon. 1.2, 3.2 Cry against it...preach unto it John 7.37 Jesus stood and cried John 12.44 Jesus cried Acts 2.14 Peter lifted up his voice Acts 23.6 Paul cried out in the council Rom. 9.27 Esaias also crieth concerning Israel Rev. 5.2 An angel proclaiming with a loud voice -The following verses are used as objections to defining preaching as speaking with a loud voice.
Isa. 42.2 He shall not cry, nor cause his voice to be heard Mat. 12.16-21 He charged not to make him known to fulfill Esaias Acts 5.42 In every house ceased not to preach Jesus Christ Acts 8.35 Unto him alone? It does not say he was alone. 2. Publicly. Preaching is a public exercise, and our ministry is primarily a public ministry, not a closed-in meeting as it usually is today.
Jer. 11.6 Proclaim all these words in the cities and in streets Jer. 17.19 Stand in the gate, in all the gates of Jerusalem Mat. 10.27 Preach ye upon the housetops Acts 10.42 Commanded to preach unto the people Acts 13.44 Came almost the whole city to hear Acts 16.13 Went out of the city by a river side Acts 17.22 In the midst of Mars' hill Acts 18.28 Convinced the Jews and that publicly Col. 1.23 Preached to every creature 3. With Authority. Boldness, assurance, warning. We are accused of being dogmatic arrogant, proud, aggressive, accusative, divisive, and lacking in love. But here we can see that preaching is speaking boldly what we know, not for pride, but because we believe what we preach.
a) Authority delegated by God to men
Num. 12.8 Wherefore not afraid to speak against my serv.? Acts 23.4,5 Thou shalt not speak evil of ruler of thy people 1 Sa. 24.5-8,11 The LORD forbid seeing is anointed of the LORD 1 Sa. 26.9-11 Against the LORD's anointed be guiltless? 2 Sa. 1.14 Wast not afraid to destroy LORD's anointed? Mat. 7.29 He taught them as one having authority Mat. 28.18,19 All power is given unto me, go ye therefore Luke 9.1,2 Gave them authority and sent them to preach Mat. 10.40 He that receiveth you receiveth me Luke 10.16 He that despiseth you despiseth me John 13.20 That receiveth whomsoever I send receiveth me 2 Co. 5.20 We are ambassadors for Christ Tit. 2.15 Speak, exhort, rebuke with all authority b) Authority for being the very words of God
Exo. 4.22 Thou shalt say, Thus saith the LORD 1 Sa. 2.27 Man of God said, Thus saith the LORD 1 Ki. 22.14 What the LORD saith unto me, that will I speak Jon. 3.2 Preach the preaching that I bid thee Acts 4.19,20 We cannot but speak things we have heard Gal. 1.11 The gospel preached of me is not after man 1 Th. 2.13 Not the word of men, but the word of God 1 Pe. 1.25 The word of the Lord is preached unto you 2 Co. 2.17 As of God speak we in Christ 2 Co. 4.13 I believed, and therefore have I spoken c) Authority by understanding, by being right and upright
Pro. 28.1 The righteous are bold as a lion John 7.25,26 Lo he speaketh boldly and they say nothing John 19.35 He knoweth that he saith true Acts 4.13 The boldness of unlearned and ignorant men Acts 4.29,31 Grant that with all boldness they may speak Acts 9.20,27,29 He had preached boldly at Damascus Acts 14.3 Speaking boldly in the Lord Acts 18.26 He began to speak boldly in the synagogue Eph. 6.19,20 That I may speak boldly as I ought to speak Php. 1.14 To speak the word without fear Php. 1.20 Not ashamed, with all boldness, as always Php. 1.28 In nothing terrified by your adversaries 1 Th. 2.2 We were bold in our God to speak the gospel B. Preaching is God's method of evangelism.
- God chose a specific method to spread the truth, and if we do not preach it, we do not obey him.
1. He chose preaching as his method
1 Co. 1.21 Pleased God by foolishness of preaching to save Rom. 10.13-17 How shall they hear without a preacher? Tit. 1.3 Hath manifested his word through preaching Heb. 1.1 God spake by the prophets Rev. 19.10 The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy 2. God commanded men to preach
Mark 16.15 Go and preach the gospel to every creature Luke 9.60 Go thou and preach the kingdom of God Luke 24.47 Repentance and remission should be preached Acts 10.42 He commanded us to preach unto the people 2 Ti. 4.2 Preach the word Amos 3.8 The LORD hath spoken, who can but prophesy? 3. God chooses and calls certain men as preachers
2 Ch. 36.15,16 The LORD sent by his messengers, his prophets Isa. 6.8-11 Whom shall I send? Go and tell this people Isa. 61.1 The LORD hath anointed me to preach Isa. 62.6,7 Have set watchmen which shall never keep silence Jer. 1.5-10 I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations Eze. 33.7 I have set thee a watchman Hag. 1.13 The LORD's messenger in the LORD's message Amos 2.11 I raised up of your sons for prophets Amos 7.14,15 I was no prophet, LORD took me, Go, prophesy Acts 9.15 He is a chosen vessel to bear my name Acts 13.2 Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work 1 Th. 2.4 We were put in trust with the gospel 1 Ti. 2.7 I am ordained a preacher 2 Ti. 1.11 I am appointed a preacher 4. This calling, how it is done, how it is known. Not all are called to preach, but all are responsible to see it is done.
a) God calls sometimes by speaking directly
1 Sa. 3.3-10 The LORD came, and stood, and called Num. 12.8 With him will I speak mouth to mouth b) Sometimes through visions or dreams
Isa. 6.1,8 I saw the Lord, I heard the voice Acts 9.3-6 Shined a light from heaven, heard a voice Acts 16.9,10 Assuredly gathering had called us to preach c) Sometimes through recognizing the need
1 Co. 15.34 Some have not knowlege of God, your shame d) Sometimes through recognizing your gift
Acts 6.8-10 Stephen, full of faith, power, wisdom and spirit Acts 16.1-3 Timotheus, well reported, him would Paul have Acts 18.24-26 Apollos, eloquent, instructed, fervent, diligent e) Sometimes through the understanding and the faith a man has
Amos 3.8 The LORD hath spoken, who can but prophesy? Acts 18.24-26 Apollos, mighty in the scriptures 2 Co. 4.13 I believed, therefore have I spoken f) Most often through an inward necessity
Psa. 39.1-3 My heart was hot within me, then spake I Jer. 4.19 My bowels, my bowels! I cannot hold my peace Jer. 20.9 His word was as a burning fire in my bones Luke 24.32-34 Our heart burned within us...returned, and told Acts 17.16 His spirit was stirred in him, therefore disputed Acts 18.5 Paul was pressed in the spirit, and testified Acts 20.22-24 I go bound in the testify the gospel Rom. 9.1-3 I have great heaviness and continual sorrow 1 Co. 9.16 Necessity is laid upon me, woe is me if not C. The Purpose of preaching
1. To teach all the world the truth
Mat. 28.19,20 Teach all nations, all things I have commanded Acts 5.28 Ye have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine Tit. 1.3 Manifested his word through preaching Pro. 1.23 I will make known my words unto you Ecc. 12.9 Because the preacher was wise, taught the people Psa. 105.1 Make known his deeds among the people Acts 4.10 Be it known unto you all Rom. 16.25,26 Made known to all nations Eph. 6.19 To make known the mystery of the gospel Col. 1.28 We preach, teaching every man in all wisdom 2. To give an opportunity to all men to be saved God knows that these men will despise the gospel, but he desires to give the opportunity anyway.
Mark 1.38 That I may preach there also, therefore came forth Luke 4.43 I must preach to other cities, for therefore am sent John 5.33,34 I say these things that ye might be saved Rom. 10.13-16 How shall they hear without a preacher? 1 Co. 9.22 That I might by all means save some 2 Co. 10.16 To preach in the regions beyond you 2 Ti. 4.17 That all the Gentiles might hear
-Notice that God wants to give opportunity even to the rebellious
Luke 20.13 It may be they will reverence him when they see him Jer. 36.3 It may be that they will hear, they may return Eze. 12.3 It may be they will consider, though be rebellious 2 Ti. 2.25 If God peradventure will give them repentance 3. To produce faith in the hearers. Preaching has characteristics that make it efective. One of these is that preaching demonstrates the faith of the preacher, both by the foolishness in it, the boldness, and the endurance of persecution. The preacher's faith produces faith in the hearer.
a) Faith comes by hearing the message preached
John 13.19 I tell you that when it is come ye may believe John 19.35 He saith true that ye might believe Acts 4.4 Many of them which heard the word, believed Acts 8.12 They believed Philip preaching Acts 10.44 The Holy Ghost fell on all which heard the word Acts 15.7 Hear the word of the gospel and believe Rom. 10.17 Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by word 1 Co. 3.5 Ministers by whom ye believed 1 Co. 15.11 So we preach and so ye believed 2 Th. 1.10 Our testimony among you was believed 1 Co. 1.21 By preaching to save them that believe b) Preachers actually persuade unbelievers
Acts 13.43 Speaking to them, persuaded them Acts 18.4 He reasoned and persuaded Acts 18.13 This fellow persuadeth men to worship God Acts 18.28 He mightily convinced the Jews Acts 26.28 Almost thou persuadest me 1 Co. 14.24,25 If prophesy, he that believeth not is convinced 2 Co. 5.11 Knowing the terror, we persuade men Tit. 1.9 Able by sound doctrine to exhort and convince 4. To condemn the unbelieving. We know that we are not worthy to condemn anyone but God uses our preaching as a supreme condemnation. And who is sufficient for these things?
a) Our faith condemns the world
Mat. 12.41,42 Niniveh shall rise in judgment because repented Luke 11.31,32 Queen shall rise in judgment, she came to hear Heb. 11.7 By his faith Noah condemned the world b) Christ came as a stumblingstone also
John 3.18,19 This is condemnation, light is come into world John 9.39-41 I am come that they which see might be blind John 15.22 If I had not come...they have no cloke for sin Rom. 9.32,33 They stumbled at that stumblingstone 2 Pe. 2.21 It had been better for them not to have known c) Job well done when we are rejected
Mat. 10.14,15 Not receive you, shake off dust of your feet Mark 6.11 For a testimony against them Luke 9.5 For a testimony against them Luke 10.11 We do wipe off against you, be ye sure of this Acts 13.46,51 Necessary first been spoken...shook their feet Acts 14.22 We must through tribulation enter the kingdom Gal. 5.11 The offense of the cross is necessary d) That God may be justified when he judges
Rom. 1.19,20 Shewed unto them, so they are without excuse Rom. 3.1-4 That thou mayest be justified in thy sayings Eze. 2.5 Yet shall know hath been prophet among them 2 Co. 2.14-16 Savour of death to death...who is sufficient? D. Results we should expect.
-By these things we may judge our preaching. If we do not receive generally these same results then we are probably not preaching correctly.
1. Opposition, Disputes. We have been told that true servants of the Lord never argue, or strive, and they quote 2 Ti. 2.24. We do not intend to strive, but strife is often inevitable.
Acts 4.2 Being grieved that they taught the resurrection Acts 4.18 Commanded them not to teach in name of Jesus Acts 5.17 They were filled with indignation Acts 5.28 Ye intend to bring this man's blood upon us Acts 6.9 There arose cetain disputing with Stephen Acts 9.22,29 Saul confounded the Jews, disputed with Grecians Acts 14.4 The city was divided Acts 16.19 The hope of their gains was gone Acts 17.17,18 Disputed he in the synagogue Acts 18.4 He reasoned in the synagogue every sabbath 2. Uproars, stirring of the people. We have been told that our causing uproars proves we are doing something wrong.
Acts 14.2-4 The unbelieving Jews stirred up the Gentiles Acts 17.5 Set all the city on an uproar Acts 17.13 Came thither also, and stirred up the people Acts 19.23 There arose no small stir about that way Acts 19.29 The whole city was filled with confusion Acts 21.27 Stirred up all the people 3. Persecution, false witness This should not surprise us, we must be careful not to give opportunities to false accusers.
Acts 4.3 Put them in hold unto the next day Acts 5.18 Put them in the common prison Acts 6.13 Set up false witnesses Acts 7.54-59 They stoned Stephen Acts 8.1-3 There was a great persecution against the church Acts 9.1 Breathing out threatenings and slaughter Acts 12.2 Killed James with the sword Acts 13.50 Honorable women raised persecution against Paul Acts 14.19 Having stoned Paul Acts 16.23 They laid many stripes upon them 2 Ti. 1.8 Be thou partaker of the afflictions of the gospel 1 Th. 3.3,4 These afflictions, we are appointed thereto 4. Dishonor, ridicule
Mat. 13.57 A prophet is without honor in his own country Acts 2.13 Others mocking Acts 5.41 Worthy to suffer shame for his name 1 Co. 4.9-13 We are made a spectacle unto the world 2 Co. 6.8 By honour and dishonour 5. False brethren, cults. It doesn't much matter which false doctrine they teach, but false brethren are a hindrance to the truth.
Acts 8.18,19 When Simon saw, he offered them money Acts 13.8 Elymas the sorcerer withstood them Acts 19.13-16 Certain vagabond Jews, exorcists Acts 20.29,30 Grievous wolves, to draw away disciples Gal. 1.7 Some trouble you to pervert the gospel Gal. 2.4 False brethren unawares brought in 1 Ti. 1.6,7 Some having swerved unto vain jangling 1 Ti. 1.19,20 Some having put away concerning faith 6. Burdens, stress, fears, labours, weariness. Watch for laziness.
Acts 4.29 Behold their threatenings...grant unto thy servants Acts 18.9 Be not afraid, but speak 1 Co. 15.19 We are of all men most miserable 2 Co. 1.8,9 We were pressed out of measure, above strength 2 Co. 4.8,9 Troubled, perplexed, cast down 2 Co. 7.5 Flesh had no rest, without fightings, within fears 2 Co. 11.27,28 Weariness, painfulness, watchings, fastings 1 Th. 2.9 Labour and travail, night and day 1 Th. 3.7 We were comforted in our affliction and distress 7. Loss, great disappointments
Acts 13.13 John departing from them returned to Jerusalem 2 Ti. 4.10 Demas hath forsaken me 2 Ti. 4.16 All men forsook me 8. Envy, rivalry, contention, and pride among us. This ought to be avoidable, but it is very common among preachers
Num. 11.27-29 Enviest thou for my sake? Mark 9.38, Luke 9.49 We forbad him, because he followeth not us Acts 15.37-39 The contention was so sharp between them 2 Co. 10.12-14 Comparing themselves among selves are not wise Gal. 2.11 I withstood him to the face Php. 1.15,16 Some indeed preach Christ of envy and strife 9. Success, believers, churches established
Acts 2.37 They were pricked in their heart Acts 2.47 Favour with all people, the Lord added to church Acts 16.5 Churches established in the faith Acts 19.20 Mightily grew the word of God, and prevailed 10. Followers, preachers, helpers
1 Th. 1.6-8 Followers of us, from you sounded out the word 1 Th. 2.14 Ye also have suffered like things 2 Ti. 1.6 Gift in thee by the putting on of my hands 2 Ti. 2.2 Commit thou to faithful men who shall teach others E. Proper Attitudes of Preachers
1. Meek, not seeking vainglory. Understanding that our meekness is concerning ourselves, not concerning the defense of truth.
2 Co. 4.5 We preach not ourselves 2 Co. 10.12 Dare not compare ourselves, commend ourselves Gal. 6.14 God forbid that I should glory Php. 2.3 Nothing done through vainglory, but in lowliness 1 Th. 2.6-8 Nor of men sought we glory 2 Ti. 2.24,25 Gentle unto all men, in meekness instructing 2. Sincere, not covetous. A sincere longing to save others.
John 5.34 I say, that ye might be saved Acts 26.29 I would to God that thou were such as I am Gal. 6.13 Desire to have you that may glory in your flesh 2 Co. 1.12 In Godly sincerity to you-ward 2 Co. 2.17 As of sincerity speak we in Christ 1 Th. 2.5 Not flattering, nor covetousness...desirous of you 3. Grave, serious, not lightness
Rom. 9.1-3 Great heaviness, continual sorrow 2 Co. 1.17 Did I use lightness? 2 Co. 5.10,11 Knowing the terror of the Lord Jude 23 Others save with fear 4. Frank, not with wisdom of men, not pleasing men, not proselytizing
Exo. 4.10 I am not eloquent Jer. 1.6 I cannot speak: for I am a child Mark 10.21,22 Jesus loved thing thou lackest 1 Co. 1.17 Not with wisdom of words 1 Co. 2.4 Not with enticing words of man'w wisdom 2 Co. 4.2 Not craftiness, but by manifestation of the truth Gal. 1.10 If I pleased men I should not be servant of Christ 1 Th. 2.4 Not as pleasing men, but God 5. Aggressive, blunt, rebuking, contentious, fearless
Luke 11.38-44 Ye fools, hypocrites, woe unto you! John 2.14-18 The zeal of thine house hath eaten me up Acts 2.23 Ye have taken, wicked hands have crucified Acts 4.10 Whom ye crucified Acts 7.51-53 Ye stiffnecked, ye do always resist Acts 9.22,29 Confounded the Jews, disputed with the Grecians Gal. 2.5 We gave place, no, not for an hour Jude 3 Earnestly contend for the faith 6. Energetic, spirited
Mark 3.17 Sons of thunder Isa. 13.2 Exalt the voice, shake the hand Eze. 6.11 Smite with thine hand, stamp with thy foot Acts 26.1 Paul stretched forth the hand Acts 4.33 With great power gave the apostles witness Acts 18.28 He mightily convinced the Jews F. Subjects of Bible Preaching
1. Jesus. We preach about Jesus, we learn to praise Jesus.
Acts 3.20, 5.42 Jesus was preached unto you Acts 8.5,35 Preached Christ unto them Acts 9.20 He preached Christ in the synagogues Acts 17.3,18 Jesus, whom I preach unto you Rom. 16.25 The preaching of Jesus Christ 1 Co. 1.23 We preach Christ crucified 2 Co. 1.19 Jesus Christ, who was preached among you 2 Co. 4.5 We preach Christ Jesus the Lord Gal. 1.16 To reveal his Son in me Php. 1.15 Preach Christ of good will Col. 1.28 Whom we preach, warning every man 2. Repentance. Repentance is the principal demand of both testaments. Without it faith is vain, we preach to produce it, we do not avoid hard doctrines that actually provide the opportunity of repentance in the hearers.
Mat. 3.2 Repent ye Mark 6.12 Preached that men should repent Luke 3.3 Preaching the baptism of repentance Luke 24.47 Repentance should be preached among nations Acts 14.15 We preach that ye should turn from these vanities Acts 17.30 Now commandeth all men everywhere to repent Acts 26.20 Shewed that they should repent 3. Faith
Mark 1.15 Believe the gospel John 10.37,38 Believe the works Acts 16.31 Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ Acts 20.21 Testifying faith toward our Lord Rom. 10.8 The word of faith which we preach 4. The word, doctrine. We teach the ignorant.
Mat. 10.27 What ye hear, that preach ye Mat. 28.19 Teach all nations Acts 5.28 Ye have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine Mark 2.2 He preached the word Acts 4.2 Preached the resurrection from the dead Acts 13.5, 14.25 Preached the word of God Acts 17.13 The word of God was preached 1 Co. 15.12 If Christ be preached that he rose from the dead 2 Ti. 4.2 Preach the word Heb. 4.2 The word preached did not profit them 5. The law, sins, righteousness, judgment. It has been said that we should not preach against fleshly sins because that implies salvation by works. Nevertheless this subject is Biblical.
Psa. 40.9 I have preached righteousness Isa. 58.1 Shew my people their transgression Lam. 2.14 They have not discovered thine iniquity John 16.8-10 Reprove the world of sin, righteousness, judgment Acts 3.26 Turning away every one from his iniquities Acts 24.25 Reasoned righteousness, temperance, judgment Rom. 2.21 Preachest a man should not steal 2 Co. 11.15 Ministers of righteousness Tit. 2.10-12 Grace teaches denying ungodliness, worldly lusts 2 Pe. 2.5 A preacher of righteousness Col. 1.28 Warning every man 2 Th. 2.12 Believe not, had pleasure in unrighteousness Heb. 12.4 Striving against sin Jude 14,15 To convince of their ungodly deeds 6. The kingdom of God. The spiritual world, the second coming.
Luke 9.60 Preach the kingdom of God Luke 16.16 The kingdom of God is preached Acts 8.12 Preaching things concerning the kingdom of God Acts 19.8 Things concerning the kingdom of God Acts 28.31 Preaching the kingdom of God 7. The gospel, forgiveness, salvation
Isa. 61.1 Preach good tidings Mat. 11.5 The gospel preached to them Luke 4.18,19 Preach gospel, deliverance, liberty Luke 24.47 Remission of sins should be preached Acts 13.38 Preached unto you the forgiveness of sins 1 Co. 1.18 The preaching of the cross 1 Co. 9.16 I preach the gospel 1 Co. 15.1-4 The gospel I preached, Christ died for our sins Gal. 2.2 The gospel which I preach among Gentiles Eph. 3.8 Preach unsearchable riches of Christ Acts 10.36 Preaching peace by Jesus Christ Eph. 2.17 Came and preached peace to you afar off G. Suggestions for preaching:
1. Remember that truth and accuracy are most important
a) Quote correctly, know where to find the text
b) Avoid unclear arguments, twisting scripture, confess ignorance
c) Do not accuse or allege what you cannot prove2. Remember that the message is what is important
a) Preach from the Scripture
b) Preach on pertinent, relevant themes
c) Be specific and detailed, not vague and general
d) Repeat a lot, quote a lot
e) Keep it simple
f) Don't get sidetracked into politics, invented sins, and the like3. Remember that being ridiculed is necessary
a) Do not avoid ridicule, because it awakens curiosity in those that pass by, pricks the conscience of sincere, and illustrates your faith
b) Do not let mockers guide your message...getting back at them only demonstrates your weakness, fear or anger...and it cheats the sincere listener of your message.
c) Do not mock when you are mocked. It is not profitable, and even though it might satisfy the flesh for a moment, that is not your objective.4. Do not forget that we are in debt to all men
a) Never assume that no one will believe, always expect someone to be curious, never expect to be ignored.
b) Give the listener the benefit of the doubt, do not assume he is against you let him tell you so.
c) Do not feign indifference or apathy when you are rejected
d) Do not try to draw a crowd, address those listening
e) Do not speak harshly or severely when it isn't necessary, never in order to shock, get even, or get attention
f) Do not deceive, let all men know who you are and what you believe
g) Make sure that all the listeners learn something, even those who pause only a moment, and even those who are obviously not in agreement
h) Always provide the solution, leave well understood what God expects the listener to do next
i) Always require a decision, invite to believe, warn the unbelievers, provoke them to choose well5. Remember that your faith is demonstrated in your preaching
a) Be fervent, not delirious or raving, but also not monotone or tired
b) Never feign passion, meditate your message until it burns in you
c) Do not use cute expressions, or practiced gestures...let your spirit move you naturally
d) Do not entertain...teach, clarify, communicate
e) Speak with grace seasoned with salt, not salt seasoned w/ grace
6. Keep in mind that you are the hope of those who hear you
a) Speak with authority, boldness, without fear
b) Never apologize for your ignorance, or lack of ability...You are not the issue, and you are all they've got.
c) Remember the gravity of your message, do not become a clown, a beggar, a con-artist, nor a "holier than thou."H. Consider and prepare for the natural characteristics of your listeners
1) They are in a hurry, pertinent, relevant (2 Ti. 2.23)
2) They are indifferent, urgent, insistent (2 Co. 5.11)
3) They are bored, spirited, vehement (Acts 18.28)
4) They are skeptical, accurate, reliable (2 Pe. 1.16)
5) They are arrogant, meek, genuine (2 Ti. 2.25)
6) They are distracted, easily focused, distinct (Acts 6.10)
7) They are forgetful, patient, repetitious (2 Ti. 2.24)
I. Conclusions. Principles among the Bible's preachers.
1. Zero Deception
They taught the whole counsel, even controversial doctrines, without softening, adjusting or modifying...They confessed their faults and true beliefs...They recognized and challenged their enemies...They did not calculate the consequences of their obedience.
2. Zero Advantage
They avoided human wisdom and eloquence...They lacked (and didn't miss) education, money, buildings, modern equipment and methods... They did not use entertainment, games, gifts, politics, nor fads...Nor did they use celebrities, popular artists nor heroes... They were decidedly unbusinesslike, disorganized and materially unprepared.
3. Zero Compromise
They did not avoid controversy, conflict, persecution, nor even their own death...They did not long for unity, popularity, nor mutual respect...They accepted no truce with a lie, made no friendship with false brethren, countenanced no yoke with unbelievers...They demanded sincere and public decisions of faith, required true repentance and the fruits thereof, expected real humility, commitment, and total surrender...They made nothing easy.
4. Zero Conditions
They did not count on success, crowds, a good income, or the respect of their peers... They attached no importance to consequences, trials or persecutions...They were unmoved by failures, betrayals, and disappointments...They were neither pessimists nor dreamers... They demanded nothing from God, not health, wealth, miracles, not even freedom.
J. Selected Sermons
-All of the Prophets except Daniel portray Bible preaching.
John the Baptist (Mat. 3.7-12, Luke 3.2-18) Peter (Acts 2.14-40) Jesus (Mat. 11.7-30, Luke 7.24-35) Peter (Acts 3.12-26) Jesus (Mat. 23.1-39, Mark 12.38-40) Peter (Acts 4.8-12) Jesus (Luke 4.18-27) Stephen (Acts 7.2-53) Jesus (Luke 11.29-36) Peter (Acts 10.34-43) Jesus (Luke 11.39-54) Paul (Acts 13.16-48) Jesus (Luke 12.15-31) Paul (Acts 14.15-17) Jesus (John 5.19-47) Paul (Acts 17.22-31) Jesus (John 6.26-66) Paul (Acts 22.1-21) Jesus (John 7.37,38) Paul (Acts 26.2-23) Jesus (John 12.44-50) Take these sermons with care as our examples, and notice:
Unflattering speech: Generation of vipers
Accusations of sin: Hypocrites
Demands of hearers: Fruits meet for repentance
Warnings of judgment: Thou shalt be brought down to hell
God's promises, invitations: Come unto me
-Take care when following Jesus' example, he had a special understanding of men's hearts.
K. Notes
John the Baptist (Mat. 3.7-12, Luke 3.2-18)
-Used strong language...required fruits, ran off hypocrites...belittled traditions, religion, and homeland...exalted Christ...warned of judgment
Jesus (Mat. 11.7-30, Luke 7.24-35)
-Quoted Scripture...accused of unbelief, implied they were fools...warned of judgment... Offered a solution, invited
Jesus (Mat. 23.1-39, Mark 12.38-40)
-Spoke frankly, specifically, accused directly of: vainglory, hypocrisy, error, sin... taught doctrine...warned of judgment...invited
Jesus (Luke 4.18-27)
- Quoted Scripture...Angered his listeners...Accused of unbelief...Warned of damnation
Jesus (Luke 11.29-36)
-Accused of evil...spoke of judgment...warned of danger...gave a solution
Jesus (Luke 11.39-54)
Accused...called fools and ignorant...taught doctrine...did not try to please...belittled tradition...spoke of judgment
Jesus (Luke 12.15-31)
-Dealt with a particular sin...used a parable...called a fool...spoke of judgment...solution
Jesus (John 5.19-47)
-Spoke of judgment...accused of ignorance...required study...based doctrine on scripture
Jesus (John 6.26-66)
-Spoke hard doctrine purposefully...allowed anger...demanded surrender
Jesus (John 7.37,38)
-Offered salvation...used the scripture...invited
Jesus (John 12.44-50)
-Explained true faith...invited...spoke of judgment...exhorted to faith