Matthew 8:2 Corrupted
In Modern Bible Revisions
(The Shameful Foolishness Of Using
And Promoting The Modern Bible Versions)
Matthew 8:2, “And, behold, there came a leper and worshipped him, saying, Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean.”
By David J. Stewart | January 2020
Psalms 12:6-7, “The words of the LORD are pure
words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified
seven times. Thou
shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for
I cannot believe how easily Satan has deceived the churches today. Revelation 12:9, “And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.” It was theosophists (Lucifer worshippers) who announced to the world in their writings during the early 20th century, their intentions to infiltrate, corrupt and use THE CHURCHES to usher in the Devil's New World Order! An excellent video presentation on this topic is Evangelicals Unknowingly Helping To Promote The New World Order (ungodly Zionists are fueling this NWO)! Also, Pastor Chuck Baldwin preached a needful sermon titled: The Sins Of Christian America. I beseech you dear reader, reject the Devil's New World Order Bible Versions!
Without apology, I have been preaching against the apostate Harvest Baptist Church on Guam since 2015 (after they cruelly drove me out in 2014); and by God's grace I will continue to preach against the Bob Jones University Alexandrian cult, until He shows me different or I am no longer able to do so, humbly. I have been the best friend Harvest ever had, bringing them THE TRUTH to help them; but in their sinful pride, arrogance and deception, they have openly rejected THE TRUTH. Somebody needs to care! I CARE!!! War is an ugly thing, and that includes spiritual warfare as well (Ephesians 6:12-18). You cannot take a stand for God for THE TRUTH, without people being offended, angered and resentful. God is on my side (Romans 3:4).
I truly do love the people at Harvest (including the pastors and staff), and pray for them regularly, but they are hardened in their apostasy, defending Satan's corruptible seed. Proverb 16:5, “Every one that is proud in heart is an abomination to the LORD: though hand join in hand, he shall not be unpunished.” Am I proud in heart for telling THE TRUTH? 2nd Corinthians 11:6, “But though I be rude in speech, yet not in knowledge; but we have been throughly made manifest among you in all things.” Without further ado, I now give you the heart of this article, which is to further expose the Devil's modern Bible revisions. Look how ONLY the inspired king James Bible worships Jesus, but the other modern Bible revisions change it to a mere knelt or bowed...
KJV - And, behold, there came a leper and worshipped him, saying, Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean.
ESV - And behold, a leper came to him and knelt before him, saying, “Lord, if you will, you can make me clean.”
ERV - Then a man sick with leprosy came to him. The man bowed down before Jesus and said, “Lord, you have the power to heal me if you want.”
AMP - And a leper came up to Him and bowed down before Him, saying, “Lord, if You are willing, You are able to make me clean (well).”
CEB - A man with a skin disease came, kneeled before him, and said, “Lord, if you want, you can make me clean.”
CSB - Right away a man with leprosy came up and knelt before him, saying, “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.”
GNT - Then a man suffering from a dreaded skin disease came to him, knelt down before him, and said, “Sir, if you want to, you can make me clean.”
ICB - Then a man sick with a harmful skin disease came to Jesus. The man bowed down before him and said, “Lord, you have the power to heal me if you want.”
MSG - Then a leper appeared and went to his knees before Jesus, praying, “Master, if you want to, you can heal my body.”
NASB - And a leper came to Him and bowed down before Him, and said, “Lord, if You are willing, You can make me clean.”
NIV - A man with leprosy came and knelt before him and said, “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.
VOICE - And as Jesus was going along, a leper approached Him and knelt down before Him.
NRSV - and there was a leper who came to him and knelt before him, saying, “Lord, if you choose, you can make me clean.”
CJB - Then a man afflicted with tzara‘at came, kneeled down in front of him and said, “Sir, if you are willing, you can make me clean.”
PHILLIPS - There was a leper who came and knelt in front of him. “Sir,” he said, “if you want to, you can make me clean.”
ISV - Suddenly, a leper came up to him, fell down before him, and said, “Sir, if you want to, you can make me clean.”
HCSB - Right away a man with a serious skin disease came up and knelt before Him, saying, “Lord, if You are willing, You can make me clean.”
THEY'VE PERVERTED THE LIVING WORDS OF ALMIGHTY GOD!! THEY'VE CHANGED MATTHEW 8:2! Instead of saying that the leprous man “WORSHIPPED HIM,” the Devil's crowd changed it to say that the man “KNELT” or “BOWED” before Him. BLASPHEMY!!! Do you see dear reader how the Devil is attacking Jesus' deity, reducing Him to the mere level of a man, instead of the incarnate Word of God (John 1:1-3, 14)? Satan hates Jesus and assaults Him in the modern revisions! I just quoted to you SEVENTEEN BIBLE VERSIONS! Only the inspired King James Bible upholds the truth that the leprous man WORSHIPPED JESUS!!!
Kindly, I just quoted to you SIXTEEN CORRUPTED BIBLE REVISIONS (all based upon the Alexandria, Egypt manuscripts). Two of those 16 PERversions are the ESV (which Bob Jones University shamefully sanctions, uses and sells); and the ERV (which Harvest Baptist Church on Guam shamefully sanctions, uses and sells)! In the religious world of mooching off the churches, truth takes a backseat to making money for a living! It is sad but true that ecumenism and money are synonymous. Churches and Bible colleges that desire to make money, sinfully dip their sails so that they tolerate, accept and go along with apostasy; and they refuse to criticize heresy and Satan creeping into their midst. These damned Bible revisions today are straight from the pits of Hell, but the average religious leader today is indifferent, complacent and a part of the problem. SHAME ON BJU!!! SHAME ON MOODY BIBLE INSTITUTE!!! SHAME ON HARVEST BAPTIST CHURCH ON GUAM!!! SHAME ON ANYONE WHO ACCEPTS THE CORRUPTED GARBAGE THAT I JUST SHARED WITH YOU!!!
People Just Want To Be Loved
Three months after I was compelled to leave Harvest Baptist Church in 2014, I so much missed my church family and humbly wanted to go back. I needed their love and acceptance as their Christian brother, but they gave up on me. I had no one, and they forgot about me, leaving me to rot in my broken life and constant bodily pain. I have watched numerous families quit and leave Harvest, because of the church's apostasy. Unfortunately, their selfish pastors don't really care about people, they only care about the money, evidenced by their rejection of me as a human being. 2nd Timothy 1:7, “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” This battle between me and Harvest Baptist Church strikes at the very heart of what is ruining our churches today—FAKE BIBLE REVISIONS!!!
In 2017, I was so lonely to belong to a church family, so I literally humbled myself and begged like a dog for permission to return to Harvest, having nowhere else to go, but three of their selfish ungodly pastors told me to: “Go elsewhere.” Well I'm still here! A hurting dog barks! Those cowards have all quit and fled the island, because the face of a coward is the back of someone's head as they run away from a battle! I am a nobody, nothing, just a sinner saved by grace!!! All I ever humbly wanted is a second chance to have a church family, to quietly have a place to go to a Baptist church (when my neck is not hurting so bad that I need to stay home on pain medications and rest). My life has been a mess. The folks at Harvest just want to make a living, parasiting of off Christendom. They count me their enemy, but they are the enemies of God and truth!!! They reject me because I told THE TRUTH. That is The Price For Telling The Truth! I know that God will reward me in eternity. Pastor Jack Hyles thought so too! ...
“We're in a battle for the Word of God, that's the big battle!” —BATTLE OF THE AGES (an MP3 sermon by Dr. Jack Hyles, “The King James Bible crowd is going to come out on top!”)
Please hear me out dear reader. I so much wish, hope and pray that professed Christians all across America would wake up to righteousness, and reject the modern Bible versions! I am continually making a sincere appeal to the wretched Bob Jones University camp—all you apostates from Bob Jones University that don't care about THE TRUTH—who accept the Devil's corrupt Alexandrian based Bible revisions. This applies also to the Moody Bible Institute camp, East Texas Baptist College, Faith Baptist Bible College And Theological Cemetery, the Southern Baptist Convention, and other shameful religious institutions today. Oh, how apostasy has infiltrated Bible colleges and churches today. Dear Christian reader, I hate the modern Bible revisions! Psalms 119:104, “Through thy precepts I get understanding: therefore I hate every false way.” Bob Jones makes me want to vomit, because they promote this Satanic garbage! According to the ignoramus Bible professors at Bob Jones University, we do NOT have one perfect English Bible translation today. They are Oh so WRONG! We have the awesome, verbally-inspired, inerrant, infallible, pure and trustworthy King James Bible!!!!!!! BJU deceitfully tries to claim they only use the King James Bible in chapel, but those devils are indeed DEVILS, promoting corruptible seed as well. They love money!
The Price for Being Honest and Caring
Sadly, I have been rejected, despised and shunned by Harvest Baptist Church on Guam since 2014, because I took a courageous stand against the Devil's counterfeit Bible revisions! I say that kindly. My heart has been continually broken and heavy, not having a church to attend for 6 years, because I did the right thing as a caring friend—I TOLD THE TRUTH! I was hoping to find a wife at Harvest, as have other men, but they hate me for making them look bad (which they did to themselves, I just shined the light of THE TRUTH upon their darkness). I say that humbly, for I am a dog of the Christian faith, a nobody with a website, doing the best I can day-by-day in my loneliness and pain of body and soul. I know I am not a bad person, even though Harvest makes me feel bad about myself, because they all reject me as their brother in Christ, shunning me away from their group. I am a misfit in life.
I have plainly shown you (which cannot be refuted), what the modern PERversions do to change and remove God's promise—they dishonestly change God's promise to keep and preserve HIS WORDS, instead to keep and protect HIS SAINTS. Do you see how clever of a LIAR Satan and his servants are? As with the ugly truth I showed you the other day from 1st Timothy 3:16, showing how the modern Bible revisions obliterate the doctrine of the Godhead (aka, Trinity), so also do the modern Bible revisions obliterate God's promise to keep and preserve His pure Words forever in Psalms 12:6-7! It's a big deal! Look what the Devil's Bible translators and publishers did to butcher Psalms 12:6-7! THEY ARE OF THE DEVIL!!!
Make A Difference, Speak! Silence Is Agreement!
God's Inspired Words Have Never Changed
Somewhere along the way in their history, Bob Jones University (founded in 1927) went to the Devil; and sadly, so also have their graduates, following the college over a cliff of theological apostasy. I made this picture last week, and also this one; truly a picture is worth 1,000 words! God knows that I am not trying to be mean, nor a Smart Alec; but rather, I simply care about THE TRUTH, because I LOVE PEOPLE, WITH GOD'S UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, WHOEVER YOU MAY BE! Love compels us to care, to speak the truth as a friend.
I heard Evangelist Tom Ferrell make a great statement at Harvest Baptist Church on Guam (over their KHMG 88.1 FM radio station), who said: A friend helps a friend to see! I love that truth and fully agree! Unfortunately, when I was a friend to Harvest Baptist Church in 2014, handing THE TRUTH about the Devil's corrupt Bible revisions into their pastors' incompetent hands, they counted me as their enemy! I gave them the awesome book by Pastor Al Lacy (1933-2016) titled: “NIV: The Antichrist's Bible!” I might as well have handed them a dirty magazine, because of the adverse way they reacted. One of the associate pastors literally laughed in my face, when I offered him another copy. I was just being a friend, trying to help them see. It is human nature to defend one's views, no matter how wrong they may be.
“It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.” —Mark Twain
I am still heart-broken. It hurt so much being ostracized and turned away by an independent Baptist church, for telling THE TRUTH. Like so many phony churches today, Harvest's leaders claim to regard THE TRUTH, but they want to decide for themselves what truth is, and don't actually want THE TRUTH. Many of my beloved neighbours attend Harvest, and after their pastors gave up on me, like a religious cult the whole church gave up on me. It has been emotionally difficult for me over the past several years. I have cried more times than I can remember, just wanting to be accepted and loved as part of a caring church family, and hopefully meet a lonely woman like me, to marry. God willing, there is a woman for me somewhere!
My neighbours stopped associating with me after 2014, resenting me because of their carnal pastors, circus clowns who elevate man's mortal scholarship over God's inspired Words. God will be their only Judge (Romans 14:10-12; Ecclesiastes 12:13-14; Matthew 12:36; James 4:12). Romans 14:10, “But why dost thou judge thy brother? or why dost thou set at nought thy brother? for we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ.” We live in a self-righteous generation of religious hypocrites and snobs, who require people to dot their i's and cross their t's exactly as they do, or else you are on the outside looking in! Yet those same religious retards use, sell and promote Satanic Bible versions, invite and honor ecumenical false prophets (e.g., Ravi Zacharias), promote Martin Luther (the father of the Baptismal Regeneration heresy) have low moral dress standards, and are no damn better than the people that they reject (like me)! Yeah, I'm talking about the ungodly Harvest Baptist Church on Guam!
They shamefully call themselves “a church,” but they are more like “a cult”—selectively choosing who they love and care about, denying the inspiration of the King James Bible, promoting 24 different Bible revisions (they're all good, accuracy doesn't matter, right!), promoting the Satanic false gospel of Dr. John MacArthur, ganging up against me to shun me as their neighbour, et cetera. Well it hurts! I have feelings too, Ya know! I'm not the one dropping the ball for God, Harvest's pastors are! The Lord only authored ONE HOLY BIBLE, so how can we have dozens of English Bible revisions that are all reliable? If it's not the King James Bible, then prey tell me which one is it? I can respect that! But don't tell me the Devil's lie that several dozen Bible versions are all acceptable.
What I disrespect about the Bob Jones crowd is that they'll say they don't support ALL the Bible versions, but when pressed to tell you which ones are bad, they haven't a clue. That's simply because they DON'T KNOW! By supporting even ONE of the perverse Alexandrian Bible translations, they are sanctioning ALL OF THEM, because there's not a dime's difference between the Alexandrian versions. They all share the SAME corruptions!!! ONLY THE KING JAMES BIBLE STANDS ALONE.
I have shown you PROOF in this article regarding Matthew 8:2—ONLY THE KING JAMES BIBLE preserves the accurate rendering that a leprous man WORSHIPPED JESUS!!! All of the other SIXTEEN revisions reduce it to KNELT or BOWED. Well, you can kneel to propose to one's fiancée to get married, but that doesn't mean you are worshipping them. You can kneel or bow before a king without worshipping him. Likewise, to describe the man's action in Matthew 8:2 as a mere kneel or bow, robs the Lord Jesus Christ of His due worship as God!!! I get sick thinking about it, why does Bob Jones University go along with this wickedness? I'll tell you why—the love of money!
Sadly, Harvest Baptist Church follows the fools at BJU, which is why I made the picture to the right. I say that with a heart of love for everyone at Harvest. It matters which Bible that you use! People are being misled into religion without theology by the secularized Bible revisions! Check this out, an article I just wrote titled: “FOR THERE ARE THREE.” I am tired of being left out, shunned and made to feel bad about myself, for telling THE TRUTH! Shame on Bob Jones University and Harvest Baptist Church on Guam, for not caring about THE TRUTH! John 18:37, “Pilate therefore said unto him, Art thou a king then? Jesus answered, Thou sayest that I am a king. To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice.” Jesus came into the world to bear witness unto THE TRUTH. Truth is important!!!
Indifference Plagues Churches Today
In 1938, Pastor M.R. DeHaan (1891-1965) founded Our Daily Bread (ODB). Dr. DeHaan was a godly man, a physician turned preacher. Pastor DeHaan makes this VERY IMPORTANT observation...
“Be on guard against any tampering with the Word, whether disguised as a search for truth, or a scholarly attempt at apparently hidden meanings; and beware of the confusion created by the senseless rash of new versions, translations, editions, and improvements upon the tried and tested Bible of our fathers and grandfathers.” [emphasis added] —SOURCE: Pastor M.R. DeHaan, his book: “THE TABERNACLE,” page 101
Pastor DeHaan was a wise Christian man, who recognized what the Devil was doing by continually publishing more “new” and “improved” Bible revisions, causing endless confusion in today's churches. Be on guard my friend!!! 1st Peter 5:8-9, “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world.” Amen and amen! Pastor DeHaan had enough spiritual discernment before his death in 1965, to see that Satan is behind the constant effort to rewrite the Word of God. Today in 2020, we literally have HUNDREDS of existing English Bible revisions to choose from. Folks, that is apostasy! And anyone who sanctions this confusing mess is pulling on the same rope as the Devil. 1st Corinthians, “For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.”
Christians Ought To Only Use and Promote God's Incorruptible Pure Words
Here are some important preaching quotes from Evangelist Lester Roloff (1914-1982). ...
“The Word of God is our only hope—that's our only hope! This has been the generation of translations and abominations, and perversions, of the Word of God! It's been a long time; now when the Revised Standard Version came out, I stood against it before I knew what it was, because the wrong crowd heard of that, and the wrong crowd received it, and I knew it got too much publicity to be right! And I knew if the newspapers publicized something, it had to be wrong! And so I knew that the American people and a lot of American preachers—they welcomed it into their house before they knew it was a rattlesnake!” —Brother Lester Roloff, a needful quote from the MP3 sermon titled, “'THE LIVING BIBLE' EXPOSED!”
“The worst rattlesnake on this earth, is the man that twists or seeks to modernize, or take from or add to, the Word of God!” —Brother Lester Roloff, a needful quote from the awesome MP3 sermon titled, “'THE LIVING BIBLE' EXPOSED!”
The Lord specifically mentions phony religious people in Matthew 15:7-9 who teach “the commandments of men” (e.g., manmade Bible versions) instead of the inspired Word of God. Think about that folks! Matthew 15:9, “But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.” I'm talking about the Bob Jones University (BJU) crowd, with their sanctioning, selling and promoting of multiple modern corrupt Bible versions, which are all either based upon or influenced by the satanic manuscripts originating from Alexandria, Egypt. God authored ONE BOOK, not two, not 900! Listen again to what Brother Lester Roloff says:
“Now the serpent (there's your rattlesnake right there!)... question the Word of God... This has been the same generation questioning the Word of God. I'm sick of hearing about all the mistakes in the King James version! “It's not dependable” [critics say]. It is! The night I got saved it was dependable! The night God called me to preach it was dependable! For 43 years, I've been preaching it and declaring it, and it's been dependable to rescue the perishing and care for the dying, and sober the drunkard, and to deliver the dope head! I've never found anything any better! And so you're not going to get me to raise a bunch of questions about the Word of God! When I say the 'Word of God,' I consider the King James Version the Word of God!!!” —Brother Lester Roloff, a needful quote from the awesome MP3 sermon titled, “'THE LIVING BIBLE' EXPOSED!”
Ironically, Brother Roloff used to preach in chapel to the students at Bob Jones University. Contrary to BJU's claims that they haven't changed since they first opened their college's doors in 1927, THEY HAVE CHANGED, horribly so, by not taking a stand against the Devil changing the Word of God!!! That's a good statement!
“Did you realize tonight that we're living in a Godless nation, a Christless nation, a Bibleless nation?” —Brother Lester Roloff, a needful quote from the MP3 sermon titled, “'THE LIVING BIBLE' EXPOSED!”
If you have been tricked by the Devil, to accept a counterfeit Bible version, then effectively you have the commandments of men! Eve was deceived by the crafty serpent (Satan). Whereas God had commanded Adam and Eve not to eat of the forbidden fruit, the serpent came along and questioned what God had said, thus introducing a SECOND AUTHORITY! Consequently, Eve was compelled to decide which of the TWO AUTHORITIES was correct! Had Eve refused to even consider a SECOND AUTHORITY, she never would have sinned. Don't miss that important observation, because that is exactly what the Devil is doing today, shaking the faith of young people in the Word of God by introducing a SECOND AUTHORITY (i.e., the Alexandrian manuscripts upon which the modern revisions are based). ...
“But you see, the attitude of this generation is: If you got a lot of education, Boy we've got it made! I mean that's it; I mean, you're just super-duper! ... Any kind of education that doesn't strengthen your faith in Jesus is an abomination!!! And the average college graduate comes out with less faith and less fire, than he had when he went in. I'm talking about in the Christian schools, in the seminaries, and in the Bible schools across this country; now that ought not be!” —Brother Lester Roloff, a needful quote from the MP3 sermon titled, “'THE LIVING BIBLE' EXPOSED!”
Our churches are filled with people today who park their rear-end in 18 inches of pew three times a week, put a few dollars into an offering plate, and sing “Holy, Holy, Holy” each week, but they are worshipping God “IN VAIN” (as our text passage says) by using, promoting and selling the Devil's Alexandrian Bible versions. By “Alexandrian” I am referring to the corrupt Greek manuscripts (Sinaiticus and Vaticanus) which originated out of Alexandria, Egypt. These corrupt manuscripts were popularized in 1881 by two unsaved Anglican ministers, both members of the occult, named Brooke Westcott (1825-1901) and Fenton Hort (1828-1892).
Many excellent works are available exposing Westcott and Hort (who both received honorary doctoral degrees, not earned), revealing the true dark agenda behind their translating work. It is upon such grotesque works of darkness that the modern Bible versions are based; such as, the very popular New International Version (NIV), which is truly THE ANTICHRIST'S BIBLE!!! Look at the abundance of heresies which Westcott and Hort believed, the fathers of the bastard modern Bible versions. DO NOT TRUST WESTCOTT AND HORT!!! Here is an MP3 interview of Dr. Peter S. Ruckman by retired Air Force veteran and preacher, Dr. Texe Marrs. The insightful presentation is titled, “THE ALEXANDRIAN CULT EXPOSED!” Also, here is an excellent .PDF book by Dr. Ruckman called, “About The New King James Bible.”
Leading the way in apostasy, promoting these corrupt Alexandrian manuscripts is Bob Jones University (BJU).
How Bob Jones University Betrays The Holy Bible! (they have turned scholarship into a God)
Bob Jones Corrupts Churches Like Harvest Baptist Church on Guam
I'm talking about the apostate Harvest Baptist Church on Guam, who horribly called Dr. Jack Hyles and me “a cult” for exposing the Alexandrian Bible perversions. Pastor John Lewis founded the church in 1975 and it was thankfully at that time, King James Bible only. Today, under new pastors since around 2000, it is a house of confusion, with umpteen Bible versions circulating in the pews. The church officially uses two Bibles: the Easy-To-Read Version (ERV) to misinterpret the King James Bible. Satanic ERV Says It Is hard To Enter Into The Kingdom Of God!
“This isn't over Jack Hyles, this is over fundamentalism! These are evangelicals fighting fundamentalists—that's what it's all about; and their effort is to destroy Hyles-Anderson College. Over my dead body they'll destroy Hyles-Anderson College; and their effort is to destroy the First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana; and I'll go to the finish before I'll let it happen! That's what's going on!” —Dr. Jack Hyles, a truthful quote from the needful sermon, “Weathering The Storm!”
The human race is so foolish. I love science fiction. I remember seeing an episode of The Outer Limits (for a dose of reality), where aliens were trying to share their knowledge with humanity to benefit mankind. The stupid humans attacked the aliens instead, assuming without provocation that they were enemies. The same scenario happened in the popular film, The Day The Earth Stood Still. Tragically, these films are so true, depicting our stupid mentality as human beings. I mean, look at how corrupt the modern Bible versions are, and how dumb churches foolishly support, sell, use and further them!
When I attended Harvest Baptist Church for a year in 2014, at first I was made to feel loved and I hadn't been so happy in many years. I thought, “Great, I have a church family to love and be loved”; but that didn't last! I had made the fatal mistake (in their eyes) of prioritizing caring about THE TRUTH over making friends and going along to get along. I trusted that the Lord would guide me, since He is the One Who commands us “having done all, to stand” (Ephesians 6:12); and also “that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints” (Jude 1:3). For kindly expressing my opinions (to help others) about the modern corrupt Bible versions, I was driven from HBC with censure, and abandoned, forgotten about completely. Today while I was walking early in the morning, I saw a woman playing in the park with her dog. The dog looked happy. I thought to myself—isn't it a shame that most people care more about their pet dog, than many professed Christians do about their own brother in the Lord?” Sadly, it is true!
I was very lonely and in 2017 requested permission to come back, needing a church family, but I was coldly told by the senior pastor to “go elsewhere”! This is an ongoing battle between the Hyles-Anderson College camp (from which I graduated in 1993, when HAC still taught that the King James Bible is “inspired” as Dr. Jack Hyles believed and taught), and the apostate Bob Jones University camp today (who sanction hundreds of English Bible versions, while deceitfully claiming they merely prefer the King James Bible). Folks, the man with two watches never knows what time it is! God authored ONE BOOK, not two, not 900!
by Dr. Hyles, “The King James Bible crowd is going to come out on top!”)
It is interesting how this has all played out since 2014 when Harvest got rid of me. I had NEVER heard Dr. Jack Hyles' 1994 sermon titled, “THE BATTLE OF THE AGES” until May of 2016. The sermon didn't exist on the internet. I found the sermon in an old box of cassettes which had been sitting around for decades (which I had been lugging around from place to place as I moved). I used to subscribe to Dr. Hyles' sermon of the week cassette mail-order service, but to be truthful, I just tossed them into a box and stopped listening to them. I never imagined that one day those old sermons in a worn old box, would become so precious and have such a profound impact in my life in 2016 and today. THE BATTLE OF THE AGES is the most encouraging sermon I have heard in decades! Thank you Brother Hyles!!! I converted the cassette into an MP3 using Mixcraft software on my computer, and now it is readily available on the internet for others.
Dear friend, I have shown you in this important internet article I've written in defense of the Christian faith, how that the Devil has completely removed every mention of people “WORSHIPPING” Jesus!!! Do you think that is a mere coincidence? Do you actually think some older manuscripts were found in the 19th century by archaeologists, that just so happened to remove “God” from 1st Timothy 3:16, and remove every mention of Jesus being “worshipped” from the Bible? Do you think that half of 1st John 5:7 just disappeared from the Holy Bible (in these so-called “more accurate” texts that were discovered)? I'll tell you what happened—Luciferians (Masonic Satanists) introduced a corrupt manuscript, claiming it was God's Word, which strategically assaults the deity of Jesus, removes the Godhead (Trinity), corrupts the true meaning of repentance, and blasphemes the Lord Jesus Christ woefully! Naive churches have eaten the forbidden fruit at the behest of the serpent, cursing themselves! Woe unto the churches!!!
Revelation 12:12, “Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.” Literally, we've gone from having one King James Bible in English, to HUNDREDS of English revisions in 139 years since 1881 when Brooke Westcott (1825-1901) and Fenton Hort (1828-1892) introduced their new improved Bible to the world! Are you that stupid? Wake up! I said WAKE UP!!! The fact that the Alexandrian revisions are plagued with changing all key passages to diminish and eliminate Jesus' deity (that He is almighty God) should be enough evidence in itself to burn your English Standard Version (ESV), which Bob Jones University sinfully sells and promotes!
And kindly, Harvest Baptist Church on Guam (who are merely the tail being wagged by the dog of BJU college) ought to be greatly ashamed for going along with that filth, bidding Godspeed to corruptible seed. Why, Oh why, wont you all listen to THE TRUTH? I love you all, and I will not SHUT UP! I will SPEAK UP for God, because I LOVE YOU THAT MUCH to be the bad guy (e.g., The Dark Knight in Batman. Harvest is Two-Faced Harvey Dent!). I will be The Dark Knight, the Protector of Gotham City (Guam), being hated and shunned for preaching THE TRUTH!!! You'll all apologize to me in Heaven, I know that, and I will love you all with God's love and hug you in tears, when the Lord backs me up and rewards me for painfully standing alone all these years, defending the INCORRUPTIBLE WORDS OF ALMIGHTY GOD. 1st Peter 1:23, ”Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.” I love you all, whoever you may be, with God's unconditional love.
1st Kings 18:17, “And it came to pass, when Ahab saw Elijah, that Ahab said unto him, Art thou he that troubleth Israel?”
If you're not DEAD, God's not DONE!!!
—Pastor Jeff Owens, “Unloved Preachers”
Ecclesiastes 7:18b, “...he that feareth God shall come forth of them all.”
The Gospel In Just One Minute
(by Pastor Max D. Younce)
“The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it.” —Psalms 68:11
Why There's A
(MP3 sermon by Pastor
Danny Castle)
—2nd Thessalonians 1:8“In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not THE GOSPEL of our Lord Jesus Christ.”