Why I Believe the Rapture Will Come Soon By David J. Stewart | March 2011
Whatever physical and emotional pain you may be suffering in this fleshly body will all be gone, taken away forever, when the Lord Jesus returns to get us. The Bible plainly teaches that the DEAD IN CHRIST (i.e., those who have already passed away) will be raised first, and then we who are alive and remain shall be CAUGHT UP (1st Thessalonians 4:17) into the air to meet the Lord. Amen and amen!
Verse 18 says to comfort one another with these words, which is why I am writing this article and publishing it on the internet for you to read. Jesus PROMISED to come and get us, to bring us where He lives so we can be with Him (John 14:1-2). God cannot lie (Titus 1:2). I believe that the Lord's return will be very soon, and I want to share just a few reasons why I personally think so. I could give you plenty of Biblical reasons, but some of the most compelling reasons aren't even Biblical. You may not believe in God; but a whole lot of people certainly believe in Satan and are showing their allegiance to him in their music, movies, and corporate symbols. Umpteen Rock band have blatantly shown their praises for the Devil. The Rolling Stones in 1968 released Our Satanic Majesties' Request, featuring the song, Sympathy for the Devil, a tribute to the Church of Satan and founder Anton LaVey. In 1971 Paul McCartney released RAM, a commonly worshipped symbol representing Satan, which The Rolling Stones placed on their album cover. Madonna worships Satan in her song, Beautiful Stranger. In her Australian concert tour she bragged that she's going to Hell and didn't care. Well she will when she's damned in Hell forever. Police are zapping citizens left and right with bigger and longer-lasting body-tasers, even for the slightest of reasons. Cops are raising people's homes with a S.W.A.T. team for the smallest of complaints, shooting the family pet, and oppressing the public. Local and State police have trained to be thugs, to contend with a tired and fed up public that has been abused, over-taxed, lied to, cheated, and now molested by TSA at all the airports. American citizens have had it. This is all planned and the intent of the monsters behind the new World Order. They fully anticipate a public revolt, bringing in foreign troops to smash the resistance; and then out of chaos will arise order, i.e., NEW WORLD ORDER... a Global Godless Totalitarian Communist Police State. Infamous Freemason, Albert Pike predicted World Wars I, II, and III with precise detail prior to his death in 1892. We are now entering WWIII. Afghanistan was invaded and conquered by United Nation's forces in 2001. Iraq was invaded and conquered by a United Nations collation in 2002 (the UN was created by The Council On Foreign Relation, which is the visible headquarters of the New World Order). Egypt has been taken over by a coup in 2011. Libya just got bombed to smithereens in 2011. Iran has been in the spotlight for several years now, sitting directly between Iraq and Israel. Jordan must also go. We are witnessing the beginning of World War II as predicted by Albert Pike, who foretold that Arab nations would be in conflict with Israel and the rest of the world would be drawn into the conflict. This is what the Bible prophesies. Prophecy is history written in advance. If the Lord doesn't return soon, I can't even imagine how evil, intrusive, and wicked this world is going to become. Parents will become as mere incubators. The government will be as god. No one will have any privacy nor rights. Everywhere will be enslaved as cattle, microchipped with barcodes, and tracked by the Police State. It's already happening. The Pope, world leaders, celebrities, and famous people everywhere are all talking about the New World Order. The popular trend these days is to go along not only to get along, but also to become rich, famous, and have all the pleasures of this temporal sinful life. Judgment Day is coming (Hebrews 9:27). The world is becoming smaller and smaller every day. We are witnessing the formation of a one-world government, one-world religion, one-world currency, one-world economy, one-world, language (English). It's all happening before our very eyes. Who would have imagined a time when music would be sold and targeted at our youth, containing deliberate backward masking that leads kids to worship Satan!!! Katy Perry, Toby Keith, Rodney Atkins... all praise booze and drunkenness! It's sickening! It is tragic and makes any decent person want to vomit when they see two women kissing in public, or two men holding hands. This is the freakish and weird times in which we live. You haven't seen anything yet if the Lord tarries His return. The entire country is going to become massively homosexual, in our faces everywhere we turn. No Christian will be able to escape the wickedness, just as Lot's guests were being attacked by a mob of perverted homosexuals in Genesis 19:1-10. Who would have envisioned a time when children would be taught that they came from stardust, slime, and monkeys. Evolution has no proof whatsoever. The University of Berkeley in California even has a website that trains public school teachers how to brainwash children that evolution is true and not a religion. What a bunch of liars! Evolution is a religion!!! It is mere belief. Yet those wicked liars teach the bogus theories of evolution as if it were a fact. Isn't that evil and horrible? These are but a few of many more reasons that I could give you why I believe the Lord will return soon. I hope it is today. Even so, come, Lord Jesus!!!
“In flaming fire
taking vengeance on them that know not God, Ye Must Be Born Again! | How to Be Saved
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