Prophecy of End Times

Whatever comes our way. Whatever
battle we have raging inside us. We always have a choice. It's the
choices that make us who we are, and we can always choose to do what
is right.
False Doctrines

Exposing False Religions

5 Points of Calvinism Refuted
Learn Bible Doctrines
(an awesome 1220 page book by
Dr. Gail Riplinger, which exposes the dangers of many Hebrew & Greek
study aids)
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† † † †

How the New Bible Versions Corrupt God's Plan of Salvation
Her Children Are Gone
(Pastor Clarence Sexton)
Ugly Truth About Today's Bible Versions!
“It's easier to
fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”
―Mark Twain
New World Order Bible
(DANGER! Beware of Satan's counterfeit Bible
". . . ye have PERVERTED the words of the living God . .
—Jeremiah 23:36
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† † † †
The Cross-less Gospel
MP3 Sermons by Dr. Hyles
Does God Love the Sinner
and Hate
Only His Sin?

Dying In Sin Or In Christ
(Pastor Yankee Arnold)
Full Transcriptions Of Sermons By Pastor
Steven L. Anderson
(a wealth of helpful Biblical knowledge)

The Captain Of The Bus
(Evangelist Bruce Frye)
“Now the
blood is what makes you right! Only the blood balances the
scales. The blood as far as your standing with
God is concerned, balances the scales when you put your faith in
Christ. As far as your relationship with God is
concerning, the blood balances the scales when you confess your
sins.” —Dr. Jack Hyles (a precious quote from the awesome
1991 mp3 sermon, “How
To Be Right With God.”

In Defense of the 1611
King James Bible

King James Bible - Still The Best!
(an awesome 1997 MP3 lecture, Dr. Max
A good rule to follow when interpreting the Bible is to never use an
obscure passage to contradict a clear one.
To make things right in life,
start by doing the hardest thing
. . . you forgive yourself!
It's better to do right wrongly,
than to do wrong rightly.
You are a human being and in an
effort to live right you are going to make mistakes; but that is far
more pleasing to God than the person who doesn't try at all. You may
try to do right and fail 5 times out of 10 daily; but that's far
better than failing 10 times out of 10 because you're not trying at
“Just keep on keepin' on!”
—Evangelist Lester Roloff
(an awesome book by Dr. Jack Hyles)
False prophets